My Vampire .Z.M.

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Hey guys! This is my first story that I'm hoping that you guys would really like. So please read this and like and comment if you want. Thank you sooooo much!!<3


~Natalia's POV~

I was walking home from my friends party and I didn't like it, because it sucked. I hate it when she invites me to her parties, and knowing that I'll leave when it gets stupid. But anyways, I'm still walking and it's probably really late but it's fine. I realized that my phone was ringing. It was my friend Holly.

"Yes Holly?" I said.

"Why the hell did you leave?!" She yelled in my ear.

"Because you invited some people over that you knew I don't like." I said, snapping at her.

"Ugh whatever." She hung up.

After I put my phone in my pocket, I looked up, and a hot, sexy, gorgeous guy stood in the moon light. I stared him for a sec until he saw me and I looked down. I had three more blocks to walk....ugh! I hate walking! Only if my car didn't break down. But I continued walking. I walked passed him and felt him staring at me. I looked back but he wasn't there so I was walking. After a while I felt like someone was following me. I stopped to see if a car was coming.

"Why is a pretty woman like you, out here so late?" A strong English accent asked.

"I-I..." I stuttered, trying to spit the words out.

He chuckled and turned me around to face him. His eyes were shining in the moon light and they were very beautiful, I could just stand here and look at them all day. His light brown eyes are gorgeous but their brighter than there suppose to be.

"My name is Zayn." He said.

"M-My name is Natalia." I said, stilling staring at him.

I looked at the time and realized it was getting late.

"I'm sorry....Zayn but I have to get home now." I said.

But when I tried to get out of his grip he wouldn't let go. I started to push away but still he didn't let me go. So I kicked him right in the balls and ran.

"Someone help!!!" I said, screaming down the street.

I went in an ally and checked if he was still following me. I started to walk again but some how and some way he appeared right in front of me.

"Help-" He cut me off putting his hand on my mouth.

"Screaming will get you no where, love." He said, pulling me closer.

He uncovered my lips.

"Please let me go." I said, crying.

He smelled me and licked me. I jumped a little and then he looked at me.

"You might feel a little pinch babe." Zayn said, with fangs coming in.

He bit me hard and I screamed in pain. I moved a little but the more I moved the more he got harder. He stopped and looked at me. He had blood on his lips, my blood. He smirked and went back sucking my neck. When he was done, he was gone. I felt so weak but I was making my away home. An hour later it had to be like after 4. When I finally got to my house I went up stairs to see how bad I was bleeding. When I got up there I looked in the bathroom mirror. I flipped out then I passed out.

I woke up the next day and I felt a big ass pain in my neck.

My Vampire .Z.M. ( slowly editing )Where stories live. Discover now