chapter 22: Anna Is Growing Up

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~Nat's POV~

The last couple of weeks

It's been a good week and weekend so far but there's something going on with Liam and Leo lately....but anyway Anna is starting to grow her fangs already! But there only little ones for now. And I don't have to breast feed her anymore! She's growing up faster than I thought. I can't wait until she's older! And she's growing a little bit of hair on head but not that she didn't have some when she was born but she's growing more.

"Zayn look at Anna!" I said, smiling. "Her hair got longer."

"I can't believe it." He said, smiling. "She's growing up."

"Now I can finally put her hair in a ponytail." I said.

"Sooner or later she's going to start saying mama and dad!" I said.

I know I'm a beginner of being a mother but I'm soooo happy that she's growing already!

"Wow, I remember when she was just a tiny little baby." Harry said, picking her up.

Anna smiled and hugged his face. We smiled and laughed.

"Harry she loves you." Zayn said, laughing.

"Haha, yeah she does." He said, kissing her on the cheek.

I went up stairs to get my phone.

I turned around and saw Leo at the door.

"Damnit Leo!" I shouted. "You scared me."

She chuckled.

"I'm sorry Nat...I need to ask you something." She said.

"Sure, come in." I said.

We sat at the edge of my bed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well.....I really like..Liam a lot.." She said, shyly.

"Awww Leo!" I said, hugging her. "You like Liam!"

"Shhh! They might hear us!" She said, putting her finger to her mouth.

"I thought something was going on between you and Liam lately." I said, winking at her.

"What do you like about him?" I asked.

"Well...he's very nice, sweet, smart, and he's seems like he'll be a good boyfriend." She said.

"Aww." I said.

"But I don't know if he likes me the way I like him." She said, putting her head down.

I patted her back.

"Don't worry Leo." I said. "I'm not that type of girly shit but I'll give you a little make over and let you wear some of my clothes."

"Really?" She smiled.

"Yeah." I said, smiling back.

Leo hugged me....I think she's going to be my new bestie.

Later me and everyone else were going out for dinner tonight and I thought I could make Leo look her best for Liam.

"Leo." I said, peeking my head in Liam's door. "C'mon."

She nodded and came in my room.

"Ready for your make over?" I smiling.

"Yup." She said.

I gave her make over and some of my clothes. I curled her hair, gave her a yellow long sleeve shirt that shows her stomach, gave her a pair of ripped jeans, and a pair of my good sneakers.

She looked gorgeous with her long light brown hair and her shining blue eyes like the sea. Liam is going to die when he see's her!

~Liam's POV~

Me and the lads were waiting for the girls.

"So you and Leo. Is there something going on?" Zayn asked, as the others stared at me.

"I like her but I don't know if she likes me back." I said.

"Well she does because the way-" Zayn was cut off when Nat came out with Leo.

I turned around and saw Leo with Nat. All of our jaws dropped.

"You might want to close your mouths boys." Leo said, giggling. "Flies might get caught in there."


"Ready?" Nat asked, as she was locking her fingers with Zayn's.

"Yes." I said, as I felt somebody's fingers being locked to mine.

I looked down saw Leo's finger locked with mine. I smiled and didn't let go.




Dinner was awesome. We had so much fun. But I really had fun with Leo.

"Night everyone!" Zayn and Nat said.

"Goodnight." Harry said, carrying Anna up stairs.

I was also heading up stairs to go to bed. I went in my room and saw....Leo taking off her clothes. She jumped and ran in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry Liam!" She said.

"No it's fine Leo." I said. "You can come out."

"Are you nuts!" She yelled. "I don't have clothes on, silly."

"So what." I said.

"Well can you at least let me wear a T-shirt." Leo asked.

"But you have to come out first." I said.

Leo sighed and said, "Fine but you have to close your eyes."

"I'm closing them." I said.

She came out and she put on the t-shirt quickly.

"Why in a rush, love?" I asked, as I chuckled.

Her eyes widen as I asked the question.

"Did you see me.." She said, as her face got red.

"No..." I lied.

"You liar!" She pointed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's ok Liam." She said, laughing.

Leo sat on the bed and looked at me.

"Liam I need to tell you something." Leo said.

I sat next to her really close.

"What is it, Leo?" I asked.

"I you....and like a boyfriend like..." She shyly. "But you probley don't feel the same way."

I smiled.

"Leo I like you too." I said, as leaned in.

We both leaned in and our lips kissed. Her lips are so soft and so pink.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend Leo?" I said.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Liam." She said, as she leaned in for another kiss.

I smiled and held her hand.

"I'll be the best boyfriend ever." I said.

"Aww and I'll be the best girlfriend ever." She smiled and kissed my nose.

We laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I love you, Liam." Leo said, cuddling up on my shoulder.

"I love you too, Leo." I said.

We fell asleep.

Omg! Thank you soooo much for the votes! I hope you like this chapter. Liam and Leo are together now! And Anna is growing also! I'll update tomorrow!

My Vampire .Z.M. ( slowly editing )Where stories live. Discover now