chapter 19: Back to Justin

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~Nat's POV~

It was the next morning and everyone was up. So I was wondering if they saw Justin that night when I went kind of nuts.

"Hey did any of you guys find Justin on the night when it was a full moon?" I asked.

"Yes we did." Zayn said.

"Well....?" I said.

"When we found him we talked to him but he really didn't care that he killed holly." Harry said, feeding Anna.

Angier built inside me and it showed in my eyes and my fists.

"I swear to the mother of god." I said, balling up my fists. "I will kill him when I find him."

I am going to find him and nobody will stop me.

"Babe just it go." Zayn said.

I gave him a very bad death stare.

"I'm sorry Zayn did you just tell me to let it go?" I questioned him. "I know you wouldn't be to fucking happy if someone killed one of the lads now wouldn't you?"

He had no answers.

"That's what I thought." I said, storming up stairs.

I got out my clothes for the day and got in the shower. After I got out I went to go get my clothes but Zayn was standing near the bed waiting for me.

"Yes Zayn?" I said, standing there.

"I'm sorry, babe." He said, looking down.

"Zayn why are you looking down?" I asked.

"Because your-" He was cut as the lads came in the door with Anna.

"Hey guy-" Harry said, as his face turned red.

Zayn finally looked up at me and stood in front of me and said, " have no clothes on."

My face turned red in embarrassment and ran in the room. What the fuck Nat?! I thought.

"Sorry boys." I said, opening the door a little.

"It's fine Nat." They said.

"Zayn...can you give me my clothes please." I said, putting my hand out.

Zayn came over and came in the bathroom stared at me.

"What?" I said, as my face was still red.

"Your so cute when your embarrassed." He said, laughing and handing me my clothes.

"It's not funny." I said.

I put on my bra and underwear as I stood up and looked in the mirror.

"Alright but I am sorry." He said, pecking me on the cheek.

"It's ok Zayn...I'm just so mad." I said, putting my fist on the sink."I should be the one that should be saying sorry." I said, hugging Zayn.

"No baby." He said, kissing me on the forehead. "I would be mad too."

I broke the hug and put on my clothes on and walked out the room.

"Hi....I'm sooo sorry." I said, saying again to the lads.

"Nat it's fine." Harry said.

"'s not fine to me that you guys saw me naked." I said, still feeling in embarrassed.

They all chuckled and hugged me.

"So what are we going to do about this Justin guy?" Niall asked.

My Vampire .Z.M. ( slowly editing )Where stories live. Discover now