chapter 6: Will You??

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~Hey! readers I hope you like my story so far! I guess this turning out good so I'm going to keep writing this. Thank you!

~Natalia's POV~

I woke up the next day and heard the boys down stairs. I went down stairs and saw them watching TV and drinking plasma.

"Hey boys." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Hi Nat. How was your sleep?" Liam asked.

"Great." I said.

"So...what are you guys watching?" I asked, sitting on Zayn's lap.

"We are watching....I don't know we're watching actually." Louis said.

"It's called Lost." Harry said.

"Oh." I said.

I realized it me or is my stomach big? It got a little bigger. Jeez this is too fast for me.

"God damn my stomach is big." I said.

"Yes it is." Zayn said.

"I still think it's weird." I said.

~Sorry this is a short chapter. I'm really tired so i'll make it up tomorrow. Love you all and I will make it up.


My Vampire .Z.M. ( slowly editing )Where stories live. Discover now