chapter 29: What's Been Going On?

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~Nat's POV~

The wedding is all set and everything else. I can't wait until me and Zayn get married. I just love him so much and I'm willing to share my life with him forever.

It was Tuesday and it seemed like was a normal day.

"Hey, Harry." I said, smiling.

"Hello, Nat." He said, picking up Anna. "How was your day?"

"Its was fine, thank you for asking." I said. "How was yours?"

He sighed in a sad way. "It was..ok I guess." He said, putting Anna in her high chair.

"Harry, are you ok? You have been on the down side over the past couple of weeks." I said, sitting next to him. "What's wrong?"

"I just miss my wife, that's no longer here." He said. "She was the best thing that happened to me."

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"The Wanted killed her but she was only trying to save me." He said. "But I told her to stay in the house and she didn't. She got killed because of me."

Harry was crying. I guess this is why he's not with anyone because he still loves her.

"It's ok, Harry." I said, hugging him. "She's still in your heart and she's alive in your mind."

He hugged me back and cried harder. "I just want her back. I want her in my arms, I want to kiss her head when she needs me, I want her to cry in my arms when she needs someone to talk to." Harry said. "I want to have a family with her."

Poor Harry. All he wanted was to have a family and be with his loving wife.

 "She was so beautiful and so sweet." Harry said, sniffling. "She wanted a family also."

"I bet you guys would make the prettiest kids." I said. "Even though I haven't seen a picture of her but still."

"I just miss her so much." He said, sitting up. "She was my everything."

I rubbed Harry's back. "She's in a better place and she's watching over you now." I said.

He smiled a little. "I bet she is." He said, looking up.

I hope Harry finds a woman like his wife and he has a family.

My Vampire .Z.M. ( slowly editing )Where stories live. Discover now