A high-pitched, pain-stricken scream. Like a hawk. That was the sound that echoed through the gloomy sky that evening. The furious clouds banged their drums and distributed fireworks in preparation of the godly tantrum to come, animals of the forest...
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"I was wondering...I could maybe....stay the night?"
"Rent a hotel."
"C'mon man! Just one night! I'm tiired, I'm broke! What are friends for?"
"I hear there's a lovely hotel down the street. They even offer breakfast."
"Please~ I'll play you, see! Ugh.. Mc Donald's card, Macy's rewards card.."
"Oh look! This one still has five bucks in it"
He stared you down with a smile, the light from inside making a soft halo with the edges of his wispy white hair.
"Y/n, I'm going out for tonight."
"Great, I'll guard your house for a night!"
"Hold on, are you going on a hunt without me?"
"I'm going on a hunt because it's without you."
He wiped his palm against his face, exhaling into the frigid November air as he leaned across the doorway.
"Alright, you can stay. Today. No going upstairs, no taking my food."
"What if I have to use the bathroom?"
"Then you come straight down."
"What if I get hungry?"
"Then you go to the store and buy your own food."
"I'm broke."
"Tough luck, my friend."
You pushed past Will. He stuck out a leg to block you.
"No upstairs, and I mean it."
"Ayeaye captain, I got it, I got it.."
William kept you for a moment, glaring. Whatever he kept locked up there must have been important.
You thumbsupped him. "Keep watch!"
Will gritted his teeth, turning away. You watched him hurry down the front concrete steps, both hands in his pockets.
"See you later!" You called, watching as the male disappeared from sight.
So long, alligator.
You'd been sitting there for hours. The clock ticked, the occasional laughter of the neighborhood daredevil. You'd expected some sort of sign. A mysterious thump from upstairs, the flickering of lights. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
You popped another cheetoe into your mouth, dug with your foot for the remote you'd lost on the couch. The tweeting of bats outside.
Maybe they were vampire bats.
You pressed your nose to the window, stared outside.
It was silent; too silent.
As if on demand, the sky began to pour.
You tugged at your hair, thumping your head against the glass.
Will... the rotten sliding door... left me behind...
You leaned your notyet orange hand against the stair rails as you hummed your way up.
"Let's see.. what's behind doooooor one~"
You mimicked a game show, flinging open the first door you saw. An empty...storage room. Filled with.....boxes.
You strolled a few paces down the isle, eyeing the walls like a windowshopper.
"As for contestant number twoo"
You flung open the second door with no regard for caution. This door, like the other, wasn't locked, but upon its opening you were met with a bright light.
Sitting upon a bed in the middle of the room was a little boy with curly brown hair and olive green eyes. His chest moved in and out quickly as both your eyes met. Your mouth hung open stupidly as you you froze in place.