Chapter 9...Godfather

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For the first time that entire ride home, you heard your niece speak.

Her shaky little undeveloped voice took a moment to settle into your ears, nothing more than a squeak. The little tennisball-sized hand that tugged at your pant stopped you midway into unlocking the door, the shiny silver keys that dangled from a hoop making a small clink at your sudden hesitation.

There was no follow-up to her addressing you. Rather than finish the sentence, the large chocolate-brown eyes held your gaze, unblinking, perhaps staring into the depths of her uncle's soul. Layer after layer of soft pastel-colored disney princess blanket was wrapped about the little creature like a caccoon, so much so that her figure was barely even human; shoulder indistinguishable from neck, arm indistinguishable from leg She had the same brown hair as your sister, the same eyes as your brother-in-law. After all, she was their little girl. Even now, should be.

Somewhere up above the cloudy sky, someone was laughing.

So the two stood there, uncle and niece, both pairs of noses and cheeks cherry-red in the cold, standing at the steps of a house that the little thing had only seen a couple times.

Up, up above it all, Fate was having a blast. Those large eyes staring out from beneath brown wig stayed locked with yours, up until the cold wind blew in from the North, till little eyes squeezed shut, little body sinking further into the caccoon of fabric, moving forward to sink a tiny shivering face into the cloth of your pant, clinging with hands in hopes you would shield her from the cold.

She was your sister's child. You'd visited a couple times, mostly when she was a baby. She practically still was one. Little body, little nose, little ears--and those huge brown eyes. Just as your sister, the little girl clinging to your leg held no resemblance to you whatsoever. It never should have happened. It never should have been..

The little marshmallow shivered again. When a stay snowflake floated down from the sky, her eyes opened to watch, following its path, still holding closely to you. The entire way here, she'd held onto you. If you ever had to leave her sight, even for a moment, even to walk to the other side of the car, she would break into a panic. As if she were going to lose you. As if you were going to go away.

Your sister and her husband, the man she married for love. The two had been a loving couple. Young, energetic, always smiling. She smiled more around that man you'd seen her growing up as kids. And then they had Eloise. The three of them were a family, those two were probably the best parents their little girl could have.

Nobody knew it was going to happen. You ignored abnormal feeling in your chest as you said goodbye that day. An icy road in the middle of January, an all-too-familiar black automobile whose breaks malfunctioned, a bulk of glass and metal shattered and dislodged into a messed wreck, red and white and snow and ice and beige coats and brown hats and leather gloves and winter boots and tiny red mittens, the same little red mittens that held onto you so insecurely right now, nothing more than a ball of fluff.

The two had to die that day. It was probably fate, nothing more to be said.-

Whatever excuses relatives had made, whatever preoccupations kept them from taking home their little girl, she ended up with you. For one reason or another, it just had to be you.


Soundless, unblinking once more. The little girl shivered, still not as tall as your hips. How old was she? Two? Three? You didn't keep track. Could two-year-olds even talk? Perhaps they could. The shivering being watched, and the more she watched the more you could tell she was waiting. Waiting for you to unlock the door, to open it and let the two in from the cold.

//Well, I'm back to making depressing roleplays! :D
Aaanyhow, here are dah rules:


•You are this girl's uncle, I play the girl. Her parents passed away, and now you find yourself as her legal guardian. She's not in kindergarten yet, so that should give you an idea of her age.

•You are an uncle, not grandpa, not cousin. That limits you into the age range of 15-49. At the very minimum, your oc should be able pass for a human male, at least in normal society.

•You will be responsible for your character along with any background stories, motivations, careers, etc you may need to come up with. If you feel the need to use relatives and such in developing your character or events leading up to this, feel free. I'll be developing any such things alongside you. You will need to develop your character as your part of the rp, do not leave out or skip over major things.

•Any changes to this story in order to accommodate your character are negotiable.

•This rp will have sci-fi elements. Major sci-fi elements.

•No op characters, teleporting, or hentai.

•To join, ask "May I?" and tell me by which side of Eloise's family you're her uncle (mothers/father's)

*gotta sleep for now; I shall return in the morning!*

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