#69 Jocks

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#69 Jocks

A/N: Yes it's cliché.


"They are sooo hot", your friend Y/F/N drooled over the jocks of the school who you could honestly care less about. You just rolled your eyes in response. "You don't think they're good looking", your friend looked at you with shock. You shrugged while walking to class, "I didn't say that. They're all very good looking, except they lack actual personality", you chuckled. "Not true, that Rocky guy is the total package", she explained, "You two would be super cute", she smiled. "He's very hot, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to even talk about the weather", you laughed. She shrugged with a chuckle, "I guess...."

- Later that day -

You panted as you took a seat on the bench, PE was kicking your ass today. You looked out at the cheerleaders cheering, football players playing, and the people in your PE class finishing their laps. High school! You looked around for a bit more before being interrupted. "Wonderful weather we're having", a voice said while taking a seat next to you. You turned and were shocked to see "That Rocky Guy". "What", you asked with confusion. "Oh sorry", he put his hand out to you, "I'm 'that Rocky guy'." You instantly felt your face heat up, he heard you talking earlier. The weather!! "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. It's just I don't really know you, I'm really sorry", you apologized while tripping on every other word. He shrugged with a smirk, "It's cool, but you can get to know me." He's smoother than silk! "Oh", you chuckled. "How about a chat about the weather, in the park later", he suggested with a smile. "Sure", you smiled back, still red with embarrassment.


"So we are putting together our peer tutor groups right now, these are the people you will be stuck with for the whole year so....enjoy", your teacher told everyone. You had signed up for this for extra credits and you were hoping for a remotely decent person to tutor. "Alright Y/N you will be tutoring Ryland Lynch", she looked at you and then the jock a couple of rows behind you. You looked over at him and you were not prepared for this. He was a selfish jerk from what you heard. "Please sit together", your teacher said before she continued reading the groups. You waited for Ryland to sit next to you but he was being stubborn. "I'm over here", he waved at you. You glared at him and took in a breath for your patience before plastering a fake smile on your face and sitting next to him. His friends all checked you out and you immediately felt uncomfortable, "Where should we start", you tried to break the ice. "Ummmm", Ryland pretended to think. He closed the book with a smirk and placed his hand on your thigh. You looked at him with astonishment before grabbing his hand and moving it. His friends laughed as he tried to laugh it off. "I don't bite sweetheart", he told you. "Well I do, so back the fuck off", you responded with a fake smile. "Well maybe I'll stick around for that", he smirked while moving closer to you. You took on his challenge and scooted even closer so your noses were almost touching, "Don't start something you can't finish pretty boy", you said with a smirk. "Y/N, Ryland, this is tutoring not flirting", your teacher said. Everyone smirked at you guys while you both just backed away from each other. Not before Ryland wrote something on your hand, 'Call me' and his number.


You bit your nails as you watched the hockey players glide across the ice. Your team wasn't doing so hot, it was pissing you off. "Come on Lynch! You need to be getting down in front of the net since you obviously can't hit it from five feet away", you yelled at the 'star' of the team, Ross Lynch. He looked up at you quickly before looking away. You continued with these simple yet harsh-ish remarks for the rest of the game. Your team lost in the end and you were beyond mad. You got up and walked out toward the parking lot. "Hey Y/L/N", you heard your last name from behind you. You turned around and saw the whole hockey team. "What do you want Lynch", you asked coldly. "You sure do have a lot to say for a girl who probably couldn't even say that shit to my face", he responded with the same tone. "You suck Lynch", you crossed your arms and stepped up to him. "Actually", he began, "I'm the star of the team", he smirked. "Well would you take a look at your competition", you looked at his teammates behind him. "You don't know shit for shit", Ross told you. "But I do know that you missed thirteen opportunities to score, missed four passes, your work on the ice is sloppy as fuck, and that you'll probably flop before the end of senior year", you smirked. He looked at you with astonishment as his team was also dumbfounded. "Close your mouthes boys", you put your hand under Ross's chin and connected it with the rest of his face, "Good night", you smiled at them before turning around and proceeding to your car. Before you could get in your car you were stopped by Ross, minus his entourage. "You just like testing people don't you", he asked you. You nodded, "Ooh, you actually can think." "Shocking", he deadpanned. "Very", you cheered as he was now only inches away from you. "I like that though", he said softer and quieter. You chuckled, "Good for you." He nodded while staring at your lips. He then closed the gap with his lips against yours.


You walked out onto the baseball field and saw that the baseball players were playing around. "Hey", you shouted toward them. "Oh hi", Riker Lynch, the pitcher told you. "Mind if I join", you asked with a smile. "Yes actually", one of them told you. "Mind me asking why", you asked with slight shock. "Because it's kind of guys only right now Princess", the same one told you. You chuckled while nodding, "Well correction, I'm a queen. And two, you're obviously afraid of getting your asses beat." "Why the hell would we even--", he began. But he was interrupted by Riker, "Well, let's let her try. I doubt it but let's see if she can hit off of me and run the bases on us", he suggested. You were outnumbered, nine to one, but you could care less. You were gonna show these jackasses how it was done. "She's totally outnumbered, we got his guys", the first one yelled out toward the team as you picked up a bat and walked to the batters box. "Don't get too cocky little boy", you muttered to yourself. "What", Riker asked. "Nothing", you smirked while waiting for the pitch. They all shrugged and Riker pitched the first ball to you. You swung and purposely missed. "I'm sorry Princess, you're kind of gonna lose now", the first guy said. Riker pitched again and you missed, this time on accident. "Are we annoying you Princess", Riker asked. "Only when you're breathing", you called out. They all laughed as Riker pitched one more time and you smacked the crap out of the ball. It landed in the outfield and they all rushed to get to the ball but failed. The right fielder threw it to shortstop as you were already running on third, they through it home but the catcher missed and you ran for it. Riker soon grabbed the ball and was now right in front of you. "Well look what we have here", he looked at the ball with a smirk. "Well would you look what we have here", you gave him the same look he gave the ball, "An idiot", you rushed back to third but he threw it to the third basement. The third basement was hesitant as he looked at you just hopping around and messing with them. You pretended to rush back to Riker and the third basement through it behind the plate. You ran for it and Riker grabbed the ball just as you slid into home base and won. "Damn it", the first one yelled. "Wanna keep playing" they asked. "This Queen doesn't really want to", you shrugged while grabbing your stuff. You were on the verge of leaving when Riker gave you a baseball. You took it and looked at it, it had his number on it.


You wrote in your notebook while sitting in a chair in the school library. It was your zen time. Until the jocks walked in and decided to sit at the table directly behind you. You sigh in annoyance as they all started yelling, hooting, and shouting at you. "Would it kill you to not be such a buzzkill Y/N", one of the guys asked. "Would it have killed your dad to just pull out Tyler", you yelled back. All the guys laughed while Tyler just stayed quiet. "You coming to the game tonight", Ellington, the quarter back, called out to you. You shook your head while focusing on your notebook, "Definitely not", you put a period at the end of the sentence you were writing. "Come on, we need our number one cheerleader there", Ellington said with sarcasm. "You know what the team needs? A better quarter back", you replied with the same tone. "I love how we flirt", Ellington told you. "If that's what you want to call my deep hate for the biggest idiot in school, then yes I love how much we flirt too", you gave him a fake smile as he walked over to you and threw his arm around your shoulder. You just shook it off as he only did the same thing again. Fuck it, you thought to yourself. "Call me later", he asked you in your ear while handing you a piece of paper. "See you later", you said in the same tone before grabbing your books and walking away. You shoved the paper in your pocket, it was definitely gonna be useful later.

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