#75 Life of the Party (S.P.)

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#75 Life of the Party (S.P.)


"So when it gets hard, don't be afraid

We don't care what them people say"

On the outside, you were the girl who didn't care about what anyone said. You walked with your head held high, you would never let them see you sweat. But on the inside, you were soft and fragile. "Why are you even with her? She's ugly!" "You don't belong with him, you're nothing! You're trash." "Gold digger. Slut. Famewhore."  Tears streamed down your face as the words kept replaying in your head. You knew you were none of those things, but they had you contemplating that you were. Then he walked in and his eyes went wide as he saw the scene. "Y/N", he took the phone from you but he knew it was too late. He quickly cradled you into his arms as you sobbed into his chest. "Why are people so mean", you cried. He shook his head, "I don't know. We can't stop it though. Let's not care about what they say though", he whispered into your ear. You shook your head, "But they said--" "I don't give a fuck about what those people say Y/N. You know who you are and we can't walk around trying to please people", he told you. You nodded, "I know, it just hurts." "Don't let them hurt you, they are not superior over anyone, please don't let them fucking hurt you", he said passionately, "I love you." "Love you too", you responded as the last tear fell down your face.


"Together we can just let go
Pretend like there's no one else here that we know"

You watched from the right wing of the stage as the boys were all dancing with their significant others on Valentine's Day. You didn't want to go because some of the fans judged you on every little thing you did. Ryland had begged and begged and you felt bad, but you couldn't. You were set on that until he came to stand next to you and watched with a small smile as his siblings and their significant others danced. You turned to him and held your hand out. He looked at it and then at your face, "Y/N if you don't want to, we don't have to." "But I want to", you grabbed his hand and pulled him out on the stage. A smile grew on his face but all you saw were fans staring at you both. You could see the happy faces, judgy faces, but they were just faces. "Y/N, you alright", he asked. "Perfect. I'm with you and I don't have to have the approval of others to be happy", you smiled. "That's my girl", he kissed your cheek as fans cheered and everyone on stage was smiling at your little moment.



"Oh you know you can't give up
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry" 

"What is wrong with her?!" "She has no right to be posting things like that on social media, we get it you have a famous boyfriend!" "Lol, it's funny how you think that you actually meant shit before you were with him." You looked up at the ceiling and shut your eyes as tears began falling, "Why me", you whispered, "Just take me away already." The hate had been getting to you, people with no lives had been getting to you, the haters were making you drown in your own tears every single day. "I hate being here", you said as you looked down at the note you had written to Ross. You were still contemplating as you sat on your balcony with your fists clenched tightly. "God help me", you yelled before breaking down again. "Y/N", you heard someone yell. You ignored it as you stood up and looked out at the city below you, was it worth it? Would it be better without you? "Shit", you heard again as the balcony door slid open and Ross quickly took you in his arms and brought you near the door, "What the hell are you doing", he was almost in tears. "They don't want me around, they say you don't want me around, what else is there to do", you shrugged as an endless waterfall of tears fell down your face. "Listen to me", he yelled with passion, "I don't give a shit about what people say about you. You will not be sorry and apologize for the flaws that you have. We all have flaws, there's nothing to be sorry about. Don't give up because a bunch of shits decided that they wanted to ruin your day, don't let them ruin your life. You're an amazing person and you were put on this earth for a reason. Don't ever forget that", he kissed your temple.


" I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so" 

"And that's why roses are definitely my favorite flower ever", you finished as Riker laughed while people were staying at you both with weird expressions, "Ooh, check this out", you ran to the open staircase in front of you both and began walking up and down, "I'm Y/N and I am a supermodel", you laughed. "What the hell", a guy muttered as him and his girlfriend gave you judgy looks. "That's right, get your autographs now", you chuckled before climbing down and taking a giggling Riker's hand. "I love that", he said. "What", you smiled. "I love when you do things because you just decide you want to", he replied. "Haha, don't most people do that", you asked. "No, you don't even think about what the whole world is thinking about you. You just don't give a fuck", he exclaimed. "What's the point in caring about what everyone thinks, life is way too short for that shit", you laughed as he chuckled. "I love you more than any of your crazy little antics", he kissed your cheek. 


"I love it when you don't take no"  

You laid on your bed lazily as Ellington was just walking around the room doing things. You frankly did not like the whole laziness idea. You didn't want a minute of your life to go by without any action. Ellington pretty much followed your lead even if he didn't want to. He loved doing what made you happy because when you were happy, he was happy. "Ell", you whined. "What", he mimicked. "Let's go do something crazy", you suggested. "What? No", he laughed. "Yes", you replied. "No Y/N", he said again. "Yes Ellington Lee Ratliff", you yelled jokingly. "Why'd you ask if you weren't gonna take no for an answer anyway", he asked. "I like to be open-minded", you replied as he began laughing. "I love you though", he admitted. "I already know that, duhhhhh", you said sarcastically. He kissed your cheek, "I know you know that. Just wanted to make sure you knew that I knew that you knew that." You looked at him with a weird expression, "Makes sense", you shrugged before getting up and getting ready.


And if you requested an imagine please leave that request down below, I'm trying to write them again :)

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