#72 Unforgettable

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Rocky: "Yeah, I really want to go to Italy", the female across from him said. Rocky was just nodding along until that sparked something, "Really?" She nodded with a smile, "I've wanted to go there since I was a kid. Why? Have you wanted to go there too?" He shook his head, "No, I've been actually. My ex-girlfriend wanted to go and I decided to surprise her." The girl frowned, "That's the third time you've brought her up. Call me when you're no longer stuck on her", he stood up and walked away from Rocky. 


"How'd it go", Ross asked while turning the TV off. Rocky just shook his head, "She walked out in the middle of the date. That's the third time this has happened", Rocky looked down sadly. "You need to stop bringing her up man", Ross told his older brother. "But it's hard to forget her. You don't just forget someone like her", Rocky said, "Especially when you know that it was your screw up." Ross shook his head, "Rocky....I've never been in a situation where--" "Come on! Don't tell me that you've never missed Courtney on tour. You've never just wanted one night of forgetting it all." Ross shook his head again before standing up with anger, "I can't say I have! And it's not my fault that you can't forget about someone who gave you her all. While all you could give her was...your cheating ass. She really was unforgettable", Ross yelled before storming out. Rocky only stood there with a single tear running down his face.

Ross: "Are any of the songs written for anyone in particular", the interviewer asked while wiggling her eyebrows. They all laughed while Ross answered, "Of course, we had to have something or someone to write about." "Anyone in particular? Unforgettable was amazing. Who was that about", she looked at everyone who was looking at Ross. Ross clearing his throat, "Yeah. It was about...Y/N", he choked on his emotions which were now proving to be tender, "I wrote it because she's just that lover that you will think about in every relationship. She's that person that you would drop everything for, even if I was in a new relationship. She's someone that I'll probably never find again", he tried to shrug it off but it was all coming to his realisation. You were his 'unforgettable'. 

Ryland: As Ryland bobbed his head back and forth to the music he looks up for a second and almost drops his drink. "Y/N", he mumbled to himself, "Holy shit! Y/N", he yelled while running through the crowd of drunks who were dancing. "Y/N babe", he yelled. And in that second he saw someone attached to you. Well attached to your lips. "Hey get off my girlfriend", Ryland pulled the couple apart, only to find two complete strangers "Ryland", Rocky yelled while grabbing his shoulder, and pulling him away, "What the fuck?" Ryland shook his head, "Please tell me this isn't happening", Ryland's lip began quivering, "Please tell me she's still here." Rocky looked at his brother sadly, "I'm sorry", he whispered. "I'll never forget you baby", he looked up as a tear fell down his face, "I'll see you guys at the hotel", his voice was shaky as he found his way out of the bar.

Riker: "So how was Vale--Galentine's Day", Ross chuckled as he sat next to his older brother on the couch. Riker shrugged, "Different. And don't ever say that shit again", he referred to 'Galentine'. "Well shit, sorry", Ross shook his head, "Was it a good difference or..." Riker put his face in his hands, "Yes it was fucking different! I had no one to spend it with. And yes Ross, I do know that my girlfriend and I are no longer together so you can stop rubbing it in." "I didn't mean it like that, "Ross replied. "Well, that's how it felt! Yes Y/N is someone who literally changed my fucking life and I will never find someone like her again, but you. You can fucking quit it!" 

Ell: "Aww look at this photo of you and Buddy", Riker showed Ellington the picture. "We are adorable", Ell gushed at the picture. "Oh and look at this one....nevermind", Rocky threw it back in the pile. "What", Ellington asked while grabbing the picture. He looked at it and his heart immediately sank, "Oh", he continued looking at the photo. "You don't have to keep looking at the picture", Rocky took it back. "Yeah. I don't have to have any pictures to know that she is one of the great ones. I'll never forget her, I'll never find anyone like her, and I think that makes her special", Ellington smiled slightly before putting the picture in his back pocket and continouing to rummage through the photos with you on his mind.

A/N: hiiiiii

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