Changing me

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* Kimberly's P.O.V.*

I knew , I shouldn't have messed with Kevin . He always got caught up in some bull shit . And this time , he got me caught up BAD.I had to go with a complete stranger . Who I knew NOTHING about. It was very ironic . But when I laid next to him , in his arms , he didn't feel like a stranger . He felt like someone I knew my entire life .

I woke , as I felt August's arms around my waist . It felt good to know , that he could trust me . I got up out of bed , trying to not wake him , since he barley had sleep last night. I felt so bad for him .

So I decided to explore the house , and try to make him some breakfast . He deserved it . I went down stairs . Walking into this nice big furnished kitchen . I grab out a few pots , and I grab some bacon , sausage ,eggs , and toast . And I cut up some sliced fruit , putting it in a bowl . And to finish it , I poured him a glass of orange juice .

Once I was finished , I carried it all to him . Even though I just met him , I could get used to being with him .

I slightly shake him awake , as he sits up in bed . I slightly smile handing him to food . He smiles grabbing the plates from me .

" Thanks Ma' " he says in a very sleepy tired raspy voice .

I smiled getting chills down my spine . His voice was amazing .

" Your welcome " I say looking at him , while sitting on the edge of the bed .

I smile looking at him , as we both make contact . I smile grabbing a strawberry , from his fruit bowl , putting it in my mouth.

He laughs looking at me .

" So you just gonna steal my fruit " He says chuckling .

" I couldn't resist . It looked good .. And besides , who's gonna stop me " I say smiling trying to challenge him.

" I am" he says getting up smiling , as he pushes his plates to the side , he get up . Playfully jumping on top of me , while tickling me . I laugh so hard , I start snorting .

" Say sorry " he says tickling me faster .

" O-Okay .. I-I'm S-sorry " I say laughing.

He smiles getting off of me . i sit up smiling . As he looks at me .

" What ..?" I say trying not to laugh.

" I wanted to say thank you " He says smiling .

" What are you thanking me for ..?" I say smiling back .

" Even though my brother just died . You cheered me up , making me feel like I have no worries . I know we just met . But when I with you my mind goes clear , like I have no worries " he says looking at me .

" We'll Im Glad I could help " I say playfully hitting his chest .

" I know we just met and all .. But do you mind coming to pick up my niece with me ..? She has to stay with me for now , since my brother passed " He says , looking at the ceiling .

" Sure , I would love to go " I say grinning .

" Great she at my mothers " He says , while reaching over grabbing some grapes out of the bowl , throwing them at me . I giggle .

He sits up , looking at me .

" So you still have no place to go ..?" He asks , while shoving a grape in his mouth.

" Nope " I say looking down fiddling with my fingers .

" We'll you can stay here , since I killed your boyfriend " he says , in a smooth voice .

" But I have no clothes , or shoes " I say looking up .

" We'll we can go shopping today . And we can buy you what Ever you want" He says happily .

I nod my head in agreement .

Once he finishes eating . He throws on a Aeropostale shirt , and some all black sweats . With his Gamma blue ,Jordan's . He grabs the car keys .

* August's P.O.V.*

Once , I grabbed the keys . Me and Kim went to the car , driving to my mama's house to pick up Aubrey . We drove in silence . Once we made it to my moms , me and Kimberly walk to the door step . I open the door calling my moms name .

" Ma' you home ..?" I call though the house .

" In the kitchen baby" she says in a deep southern accent .

I hear , foot steps running down stairs . As my niece Aubrey screams my name.

" Un- Uncle Awugust " she says , in a very hard stutter .

She runs down stairs in my arms . I smile hugging her , as she smiles . I loved my 2 year old niece .

" Whwere's daddie ..? He dwidnt come hwome

Wast night " she says , as her green eyes sparkle .

" Uh honey . You'll be living with me for a good , while . Daddy went to a new place , it's called Heaven . But daddy's , always watching over you " I say trying to hold back the tears.

"So .. Dwaddies not coming bwack for me ..?" She says looking down

" Baby , he'll come back for you later on .. I promise " I say sitting down to her level .

" O-Owkay" she say , slightly smiling .

"We'll Aubrey . This is my friend , Kimberly . You can call her Ms.Kimberly" I say smiling .

Aubrey smiles looking at Kim.

" Hwello , Ms.Kim" she says giggling , while waving .

" Hello there , precious . " Kimberly says , while smiling .

" Kim can you take her to get dressed , and grab her bags . And go into my sisters old room . She should have some clothes in there for you . Grab what's ever you want " I say . Looking at Kim.

" Okay" kimberly says smiling. While chasing Aubrey up stairs .

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