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Sometimes I feel numb. Sometimes I feel happy. Sometimes I just feel everything.

But for once I feel happy, I have my friends and they are my happiness. They gave me my color, they made me who I am. Without them I'd probably be a depressed emo all the time.

I mean I'm depressed half of the time, but fake smiles hide a lot of things. I'm trying to get better, I'm really trying. I'm gettint my life back on track.

I had some shitty friends but I realized I shouldn't be involved with them so now I have my group and I wouldn't ask for a better group of friends.


Relationships. Hm.

Yes I do like someone, but I'm not dating them and probably not going to. I also did make a thing where I would stay single for a month so June 2nd I can start dating people again. Only a few people make the acception to break the month of single challenge. Anyways I'm going to be single the whole summer anyways and probably fot half of the year of school. But that will give me time to figure things out like myself.

I honestly can't wait for summer.

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