5. Broken Cars and Empty Bottles

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Dear Chloe Price,

Today I drove to the Agency for the weekly test. They're making a lot of progress in the research and Warren is working hard on somekind of technology to make time travel less dangerous. I don't really know what they do and to be honest I don't care. I can't focus enough to care. I zone out so often these days. You always made jokes when I zoned out. I pretended to be offended most of the times but we both knew I found them funny.

Anyway, when I drove back from the Agency I got stuck in the traffic for a good half an hour because of a car accident. A bad one. And I thought about your father. Williams was so kind and funny and smart. And he loved you so much. You took all the best from him. I know he had to die to let you live, so I wonder if his sacrifice is still worthy now that you're not here anymore. Now that you're dead.

And that made me think about Arcadia, of course, and your 'American Rust'. I wonder if you saw your father every time you looked at all those broken cars. I wonder if drinking all those beers was for you like empying your soul, not only the bottles, and see if emptyness could bring you some peace. I bet it never did.

You were so bound to eachother. And you were also helplessly bound to early death. But I still don't knoe if you were meant to die or if I was meant to save you. Only one thing's for sure,

I won't never forget about you, Chloe.

Dear Chloe Price | by 3BulletNecklaceWhere stories live. Discover now