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The sun is
beneath the
staining the
clouds with a
shade of red,
and burning
the wandering
thoughts I've
been caging
for ages.
and like an
breeze you
pick up  the
ashes of my
broken dreams,
and gently blow
them away to
float in a
meadow of
glowing dust.
I close my eyes,
to see your
hazel ones,
calling out for
my soul to
dance across
the painted
so I sway in your
arms, while your
lips tattoo poetry
on my skin for
everybody to
see and not
you pour ink
in my veins,
and push my
heart to bleed
letters on paper,
and set the
words free,
to melt in a
blob of
your dark
we lie under
a canopy of
twinkling stars,
and I let you
colour me in
hues of your
love, for I'm
only a faint drop
of paint in
your canvas.

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