Limited Character Profiles

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North Öldeim

Emeline Full: A pale, bony girl from a farm situated near Aysgarth, North East Öldeim with deep green eyes and auburn hair. She is shy, recluse and insecure. She is a dreamer. She loves legends and superstitions, though her father taught her against them. Her parents are Ödota and Heidrïk Full.

Avétk Dreig: A tall, well-built, rough-looking man with tan skin, black eyes, black hair, yellowed teeth. In his thirties, having lived an extremely tough life since his pre-teen years, when what he thinks is a curse changed him into 'Blackblood Cleaver'. He loves story telling and his mother, odd things for a heartless warrior.

Ketiya Linga: A Cat-like warrior woman, of a similar age to Avétk. She and Avétk have a history, having fought in many battles alongside each other. Her hair is fiery, crimson red, an oddity in North Öldeim, but not strange at all where she is from. Her skin is dark, and her mind is sharp. She is dangerous and smart, but beautiful and well-liked, unlike Avétk.

Ödota Full: A comely, chubby woman in her early fifties. She loves the simple things in life, and enjoys her task of the upkeep of the farm and selling of goods at Aysgarth's markets. She is the mother Emeline has always know and loved. Married to Heidrïk, but she doesn't see him often.

Heidrïk Full: A famed travelling tailor, sought out by the royals of the North whom are called lords and ladies, for his exquisite work. He is a harsh, religious, and mostly absent father to Emeline. Light grey hair and at that not quite short, not quite tall height.

The Warden: A very old, bony, eccentric man-short and charismatic-who guards the Ysbrüg (meaning "ice bridge") a bridge crossing the Ysrivier (meaning "river of ice"). He has been Warden for a very very very long time. His memory is not what it used to be, but his unique talents remain.

Kiester: A somewhat butch woman of foreign descent who runs an inn in Ysvallei (meaning "ice valley"), the last town before the ginormous Ysberg (meaning "ice mountain") Mountain range in the North. She is stuck in her ways and tends to look out for herself and her family first. Her husband is deceased.

Brushä: A ten year old boy with orange red hair and freckles. He has grown up in the shadow of the Ysberg, and the result is that he loves the cold and understands the mountain. He is good at exploring and survival in these conditions. Kiester is his mother.

Aunt Beth: Emeline's favourite aunt, who seems to feature in many fond childhood memories.

Lelice: Brushä's crush. She is foreign, with dark skin and a love for warmth. She has nice legs.

Joheyn: Avétk's childhood friend.

Caolän Feijs: The Lord of a western coastal town to whom Avétk owes a life debt.

Peitïr: A traveller.

Durek: A mentor to Avétk.

Avétk's mother: Long black hair. Cares for her son deeply. Loves stories.

Sheia Desert

Färin Sigt: A soldier, age late twenties, light brown messy hair. His father is the commander of the Northern army, named after the capital city Skävia, as 'Skävians'. He is in love with Asrya. He hates his pretentious father. He was raised strictly, but has a rebellious streak. His little sister is Bollä.

Stormchild: Emeline and the Forest MageWhere stories live. Discover now