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Frank held Gerard's frail body in his arms. Gerard seemed to be sleeping, he was limp and his breath was hot against Frank's chest. Frank didn't mind.

Mikey walked in. "Frank, go home. Go take a shower and eat something." He spoke quietly.

"I can't." Frank whispered, holding his husband gently.

"If he understood what was happening, he'd want you to take care of yourself." Mikey stated. "I mean, take a look at yourself, Frank. You haven't showered in a week. You haven't eaten in days and god knows when the last time you had eight hours of sleep was."

"I can't leave him." Frank's voice cracked, tears brimming his eyes.

"I know it's hard, but please. Please, eat something at least." Mikey begged.

Gerard stirred, fingers curling around Frank's shirt. He whined softly, nuzzling into his chest.

Frank kissed the top of his head, stroking his hair.

"I'm right here, babe. Right here." He whispered into Gerard's hair, holding him ever closer.

Gerard whimpered.

Mikey wasn't about to let the conversation drop. "Frank, go home, or at least get something to eat."


"I've got him. You can do it. I know you can."

He carefully set Gerard onto the bed, kissing his forehead. Gerard started to cry, not understanding what was going on.

"Shh, it's okay." Frank caressed his cheek softly. "I love you."

He left without another word.

Mikey laid by his older brother, hugging him. "I'm here, Gee. It's okay. Frank had to go for a second, but I'm here."

"Frank..." He wept.

"Shh, shh. He'll be right back." Mikey soothed.

Gee pawed at his chest weakly. "Wh-where?"

"He went to go get something to eat." Mikey stroked his hair.

Gerard gave a weak groan. His head hurt and he felt faint.

Mikey held him to his chest, inhaling his soft scent. His older brother mumbled something, scooting closer.

Mikey stroked his soft skin and his thin hair until the older fell asleep.

He then laid Gerard back onto the bed, making sure he was in a comfortable position.

He noticed how dry Gee's lips were. This led him to gently apply some lip balm and brush the hair from his face.

The diagnosis was unexpected.

Gerard had fallen off the stage after complaining of a migraine and feeling weak for almost a week. He'd fallen off after he lost consciousness.

Frank had tossed his guitar to the side and jumped off the stage immediately.

He took Gerard's head in his lap as a security guard called nine one one.

"You're okay, Gee. It's okay. I'm right here. You're gonna be okay."

Gerard groaned, thrashing.

He was having his first seizure. Granted, no one knew it at the time. No one knew what the fuck was going on at the time.

"Jesus, Gee, you're scaring me." Frank sobbed.

Gerard ceased after a few minutes, promptly vomiting.

"Shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay, it's all gonna be okay." Frank tried to convince himself more than the unconscious boy that was his husband.

It wasn't going to be okay.

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