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[You've lived in the Maw for 3 years. Ever since you've been kept there, all the 'nightmares' have been very nice to you. You're also quiet and shy sometimes but stuck up. Any order you give around the Maw is followed. Yet, that is to be true through 'her' command. You only had so much power in her favor...]


You make your way past the creaky floorboards as the janitor escorts you to your room, but something in your mind catches your full attention. You forgot your lighter for your candle in the kitchen, asking him for you to retrieve it. The janitor doesn't mind and you make your way through the cramped, tiny vent.

"A-also, tell the chef I said make a cookie and some tea and bring it to my room once it's done....please." The janitor nods, knowing it doesn't need to be told twice.

Your short journey to the kitchen began. Dust particles stuck to your clothes, black ink from the leeches lapping onto your feet. You'd definitely needed a bath after this long, messy day. Geisha required your presence to plan for the coronation. You've been here so long, the Maw has become your new home over the years. You've been treated so well here, and she saw no problem with you ruling the premise. She's taught you everything you needed to know, and she treated you as if you were her own kin. Of course, the Maw had its flaws, but that could change, right? What's not to love? Oh, so much more than one could know.

You didn't really like the Maw all that much because, at some point, you thought the monsters here would despise you. They gave you the looks that they would often give to prisoners, before their upcoming executions. Their body language gave off as if they were forced to treat you a certain way for a certain period of time. You could be overreacting, the staff has done nothing but good deeds for you, even when it didn't feel like they had to. You couldn't help but doubt it. When they found you, it was almost as if you were just another prisoner until Geisha called you for a higher purpose.

As you turn east to the kitchen, you hear footsteps from behind you. You turn around and see nothing, but the tiny footsteps fade. You shrug it off and open the vent to the kitchen, it was probably the gnomes checking up on you again. The twin chefs aren't here, the sink is still filled with dirty dishes and suds. You jump from the vent to the shelf below the table where your lighter is. You happily take your item back as you make your way back to the vent, following the original route to your bedroom. As you make your way closer to your private space, you realize that it's unlocked, you remember locking it this morning when you woke up, so you knew something wasn't right. It may be those mean, nosy leeches again, they hang around your room and mess up your stuff. You'd often place a torch near your room so they'd stay away, but it was burned out with a pail of water, and it raised even more suspicion.

You crept into your room, it still looked as tidy as you left it, yet something did not seem right. You hear something or somebody struggling to get something, and they didn't sound like leeches. You take out your pocket knife and prepare to take defense. It notices your movement and hides in your closet. You sigh as you stand from your crouching stance. You blow out your candle, revealing the dimly lit room.

"C-come on out...i-i know you're here", You have your pocket knife behind your back and hear a rusty closet door screeching open. You turn around and see someone in a yellow hoody. You assumed it was human, bearing their groans of pain due to the face that they're hungry. They whimper in pain and fear. The light illuminated the dark eyes and the dust caught on their face, a few scratches here and there; immense pain, and only scavenged for what they could. You let your guard down, not seeming like a threat at all. You placed the switchblade back in your pocket, taking off the hoodie of your raincoat.

You weren't the type to kill intruders.

You gasp in shock as you hear a low whine from outside your bedroom door. The chef puts his hand through the door as much as he could to give you the tray of cookies and cups of tea to you. You smile and take the tray carefully and set it down at your code table in the middle of your tiny sizes bedroom. The gigantic footsteps fade into the distance. Your attention turned to them, holding their stomach as the hungry eyes stared at your food tray, eager for a bite of whatever.

"I haven't seen you around here, a prisoner, maybe?....you must be starving."

You take a piece of what looked like ham, knowing it was meat you wonder why he cooked you ham. You see a note in sloppy handwriting. You did your best to translate the writing of a five-year-old.

I THoughT YOu werE FeELINg dowN, So I MAdE a FeW sLIces of HAM For YOU

You smile and give the medium tray of ham sLIces to the prisoner.

"Here.....I'm n-not that hungry anyway."

They take the tray, and you see a visible smile form, but you can't recognize their face because of the yellow raincoat covering their features. You could only see their smile now, eyes have become one with the shadows, refusing to take off the coat. You smile back and take a bite of your cookie.

"Hey mom, dad, I made a new friend today. Their name is Six"


Word Count; 1.068k


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