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You keep quiet, making your way out of your abandoned bedroom. Six holds your hand tightly with you holding it a much pressure. The slimy noises and squelching from behind, alerting you that the leeches are here to check on you. Sends you both into panic, and drag six back into your bedroom. It all happened so fast. Of all times, they choose now when it's convenient?

"Hide!quickly!" You panic in horror as they hide inside the vent.

The leeches slither inside and make noises, squealing as if they're trying to communicate with you. You nod, not actually understanding their story. The only thing you knew is that you wanted to get out of here, yet they sounded demanding of your presence.

They slither back out of the room, the squelching fades. Your first attempt of escaping failed, you'll have to wait it out for a while until you can try again. You forgot that the vents were being tampered with around this time, so in a way, the leeches saved your life.

"Y-you can come out now Six."


You both come back out of the room once again, only to be followed by gigantic footsteps.

Are you kidding me? Again?

You pull Six back into the bedroom, hiding in the same place as last time. The twin chefs come in and put a plate of soup in front of you. Six's breathing could be heard, hyperventilating, but they mistake it for yours. Your palms had become sweaty, grimy. The faint tapping of your feet as you were impatient with them, asking them politely to dismiss themselves. You thank them for the meal and they both wobble back to the kitchen. You sigh and tell Six to come back out. You'd have to wait again, but at least you had food to kill time. They emerged from the shadows, staring at the soup boul as the scent was alluring, welcoming. They were ready to eat, just as much as you were. You'd make sure not to waste another second after your meal.

"You hungry?"


You and Six make your way into the janitor's private place full of creepy dolls. You hear his tiny footsteps come closer as you and Six hides in the room. Janitor hears your footsteps and he thought it was best to check on you, but you kept running away from him. He was a bit saddened, groaning your name as he followed you into his precious room. You felt hurt as he continued to call for you. You believed he was the only one who cared on this boat, yet, you wanted to be free again. It's all you wanted. He comes in and Six's grip on your hand tightens. You turn to face them —

"It's okay."

The Janitor hears a noise from afar, more like glass breaking. The Janitor yelps in a state of confusion, he thought it was you, smiling as he called your name traveling in the direction which he heard the ruckus. His footsteps become faint, you take a quiet breath in relief as Six carries you up to the tiny stairs to a vent nearby.


The two of you stole from the kitchen, deciding to go to your secret hideout that none of the monsters, nor Geisha knew about. You took what you needed. Fruits, some cooked meat, and the homemade yogurt the chefs often made for you. If you wanted to escape, you needed the nourishment and strength to do so.

"This is the safest place about the Maw. It's our best chance of not getting eaten. Its another hideout not far from here, but that's our least safe."

Six nods as he takes another bite of the well-cooked salmon. You were in the mood for sweets, taking another bite of your cheesecake. You had lost your appetite, due to the situation, so you went light on the delicacy, only for you place it back the leftovers in its container, sliding it back into your food bag.

You smile as you look at Six, enjoying their meal. Yet, you were saddened. They were eating as if it was going to be their last meal. Then again, anything is possible in a place like this. Staring back at you, they swallowed the residue of their meal,,asking why your attention was on them.

"I'm happy when I'm with you. It makes me feel as if I found that piece of innocence again."

You scoot closer to Six as you rest your head on their shoulder. They admire your company, although you were different than they remembered. Nobody stays the same forever though.


"Hm?"  They respond, giving you full attention.

"What's it like back home?"

"Everyone misses you. It's no fun without you. Even Ekki does. Everyone is slowly moving on, but it's hard when you were the heart of the town."

You remember that coldhearted girl that always pushed you from the swing and gave you those bruises, just to be with Six. She didn't even like them, she just does it to ruin your life because she knew you liked him. She was a spoiled brat who got whatever she demanded, just like her parents.

"Why does she miss me?" You sassed. After all this time, you still held the grudge against her.

"Because she envies you. I knew that you're stuck in the Maw except for everyone else. They thought you committed suicide, now Ekki feels really bad. Feels guilty, believing she had something to do with it"

You look away.

"Why does she envy me? My life isn't nearly as perfect as hers."

You looked away in embarrassment. That didn't sound like her at all. Yes, the years have passed, but she had the mentality of a five-year-old, you didn't expect so much out of her in these few years.

"Ever since I've been here, I forgot about everyone I knew, I've forgotten everyone I loved...including you. And I regret it."

You hold back your tears as Six holds you close. You snuggle into their chest as you fall asleep. Your light breathing calming his anxiety. Intertwined your fingers once more, kissing your forehead as they held you closer than before.

Never let go of us.....we'll make it out— I promise [name]


Word Count; 1.055k

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