Who's Your Daddy?

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Christina was on the couch munching on some crackers to help keep her All Day Sickness down.  Her mind was on Robbie.  When he had returned to the apartment he was acting shady and furtive.  Trying to sneak into the place without her noticing, not looking her in the eye.  What was that about?

When she went into the kitchen Christina heard footsteps sneaking from Robbie's old room to the balcony.  The semi quiet sound of the screen door going creeeek as it slid open.  More sneaky footsteps.  Then a hint of cigarette smoke.  Oh hell no! After he swore he was going to quit, what the fuck!

Christina stormed onto the balcony in time to see Robbie inhaling a cigarette.  "Robbie!"

Robbie jumped, choking on the smoke.  "Ack! Gah!"

"What are you doing?" Christina demanded.  "You said you were quitting this shit and you're still smoking? Really? Then again, why am I surprised? You have the self control of a newborn monkey."

Robbie tossed the cigarette over the balcony, hoping it didn't land anywhere that was flammable.  "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  I just got some stuff on my mind."

Christina waved away the lingering smoke, hoping it wouldn't bring her nausea back.  "Then you deal with it like a man and talk to me about it.  You know that smoke makes me sick.  Think about the baby."

Robbie put his hands on her shoulders.  "I am, princess.  I'm​ under a lot of pressure."

"Because of me and Emmett?"

"No no no." Robbie was trying to decide whether he was brave enough to tell Christina about Maddie and Robbie Junior.  Best to face the music head on.

Christina sensed that something serious was on his mind.  "What is it? Talk to me."

Robbie guided her to the couch.  He sat her down and looked around to make sure there were no deadly weapons nearby.  Then he sat down and held her hands in his.
"Baby, Princess," he began.

Christina wondered if this was a proposal.  She was excited for that.  It would be nice if he put a ring on it.  But then again this was her Robs.  He said he loved her but right now he looked like he wanted to die.  "Yes?"

"Sweetie, honey?" Robbie gave her that smile that said "don't knee me in the goods".  "Babe?"

Oh shit, she thought.  She knew that voice.  "What did you do?" She rolled her eyes and braced herself.

"Okay, before I tell you. . ."

"What did you do?" She said louder.

"You have to promise me that you won't kill me." Robbie said quickly.  "Remember, Emmett needs a father.  Don't kill me."

"Don't ask me to do the impossible.  What did you do?"

Robbie could see the fire in her eyes and gulped.  "You know Maddie, right?"

"Yeah, one of your hos."

"Me and Colin used to go out with her." Robbie said defensively.

"Like I said, one of your hos.  Continue."

Robbie shuffled his feet.  "Well, I saw Maddie and she kinda sorta. . ."

Christina snatched her hands away and stood.  "Oh hail naw! Hell no! Are you screwing that bitch?"

"What? No!"

"Cause if she thinks she's gonna mess with my man," Christina ranted.  "She'd better make sure she clears it with me!"

Robbie stood up and faced her.  "Christina baby, love.  I swear on my dick that I'm not cheating on you."

"Seriously dude? Swearing on your dick?" Christina scoffed in disgust.  "Most normal people swear on their family members who mean something to them."

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