The Morning After

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"Cause every time I see you I don't want to behave.

Ariana Grande "Touch"

The pancakes were done.  Christina dished them out on a plate along with the bacon and eggs and set them out on the small table on their balcony.  She put out the butter, syrup and milk and set two places.  The weather was so nice and pleasant she thought they could have their breakfast outside.



"Time to eat!"

Robbie groaned from the bedroom.  "Aw, come on, haven't you had enough? I'm exhausted."

"I mean breakfast, you sick perv! Come get some before it gets cold."

"If I had a nickel every time I heard that."

"Shut up."  She shook her head.  Jesus, what a guy.

Robbie stumbled out of the bedroom in pajama bottoms and a T shirt.  His hair was a disaster, it was all over the place.  He looked as fucked up as he felt.

"Rough night, hon?" Christina said with a smile as he sat down with a groan.  

"You oughta know," he said in a raspy voice.  "It's all your fault, you kept me up most of the night."

"Yeah well here," she pushed his plate toward him.  "I figured you'd like to eat something else besides me."

"Ha ha," Robbie dove into his food and stuffed himself greedily.  "Geez, I'm starved.  I guess I really worked up an appetite."

Christina sat and studied her man (eee, she loved saying that!) as he tore into his pancakes.  Even though his hair was a mess and he needed a shave, she loved how he looked.  On impulse she picked up her phone and snapped a picture of him, just as he was about to stuff a huge piece into his mouth.

"The hell?" Robbie put his fork down.  "Why did you do that?"

"Never mind." Christina put the phone away and casually ate her food.

Robbie looked at her suspiciously.  "What are you going to do with that pic?"

"Oh nothing." She smirked.

"It better be nothing, I ain't gonna end up on Instagram looking like shit."

"Maybe." She shrugged playfully.  "You never know."

Robbie stood up.  "Gimme your phone."


"Dammit, Christina, give me your phone."


Suddenly he lurched forward and snatched her phone from her lap where she put it.  Christina jumped up.

"Are you serious? Give that back!"

Robbie ran inside with Christina on his heels.  "Hell no, not until I delete this." 

"Dude," she demanded.  "I swear to God if you don't give me back my phone. . ."

"What?" he looked her in the eye while holding her phone out of reach.  They were in the kitchen.   "What are you gonna do?"

Christina was trying to get her phone.  "Give it back or I swear I'm gonna suck your dick!"

Robbie whooped, looking shocked. "You're gonna what?" He put her phone on top of the refrigerator, then faced her.  "Oh please, please do it.  I wish you would, I'd love to see you try it."

Christina felt a little unsure.  She was wishing she had said something else.  Damn you, Brandon Rogers videos, she thought.  That was where she heard that line from and it was stuck in her head.  Robbie's green eyes bored into hers as he dared her with that smug smirk of  his.

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