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Everyone needs someone to lean on in life when things get complicated and the world feels dark, that's why you will get the urge of wanting someone by your side.When it comes to friendships, you need the kind of people in your life who love you for you,who inspire you to do better. The kind of people who balance you out but always support your dreams and be there no matter what.

They will make you want to be a better person and feel like you're able to do anything with their support.

You know , it's easy to feel alone in this world, to feel misunderstood and used.But, you have to find the people who make you feel less alone, the ones who actually might not understand what you're going through but try their best to see it.

Because after all, those are the kind of people who are worth fighting for, those are the kind of people who we all need in our lives,not the ones who are only there when things are convenient for them.

If you have a friend like that, protect them, they're rare and beautiful , make them feel that they matter for you..and remember that while being with them you will always carry those memories in your heart. 

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