People who feel everything so deeply, can never turn off our hearts.They want the world and everything in it, they want to hold it tightly, they want to keep it close by, they don't want to lose it.They feel too much. I wish I had answers as to, why they were chosen to be the fragile ones, the easy to crumble ones, the heavy-hearted ones. I wish I knew why they are the ones that carry all of our emotions in our back pockets, and speacially why all of the easy stuff is so hard for them..
They feel like they're obligated to save people, to fix things, to make it better. They need to feel loved and give love as well. Theirs hearts beat for, and because of, all of the people they have the potential to care for, they're are the eager ones.
But I would like to think that one day the strength and love they try to give to the world will be appreciated. That caring deeply for others will pay off. Because truthfully, they are rare and beautiful souls, they are needed to make this world a little less heavy.After all, wherever you are, whoever you are, if you feel things deeply,please don't stop being you, it's true,life will bring hurt and pain, and people will disappoint you, but no one has the ability to break down your walls except for you.Don't stop hoping for better days,don't stop trying to get it right, to make things good.
Soon enough, you will run across someone who will see all these things in you and call them 'beautiful'.They will be glad to have met you, to fill that empty place. Because you know,the people who care will take their time with you, they will let you get there whenever you're ready. Thank you for being you.
Choose HOPE.
Short StoryHey everyone! I hope you will like what Im writting here, and It will be very appreciated if you told me what you think of it, I'd love to know too, because I really thought I would share this, with you. Every part I wrote, is because of every perso...