Break those chains that bind you

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Pastor: We gather here today to remember a friend. Marshall, you will be missed!
Ryder: I just can't believe he's gone.
Chase: Yes, his tragic demise will never be forgotten.
*as the pups and Ryder drive back to the lookout*
Ryder: Chase, I can't stand to think how Marshall spent almost his whole life on the paw patrol. He never got to do anything in the world.
*at the lookout*
Chase: Ryder sir?
Ryder: Yes Chase?
Chase: Some of the pups and I thought about what you said and we would like to tell you that we are leaving.
Ryder: What?
Rocky: We want to do what we want in the world.
Ryder: How many of you feel this way?
Chase: I do.
Rocky: I do also.
Zuma: So do I dude.
Chase: Tracker and Everest are leaving as well.
Ryder: Alright then pups. I will miss you terribly and want you to know that you will always have a home here!
Chase: Goodbye sir. Rocky and I are heading west, and Zuma is going to Japan.
Ryder: Japan! Why are you going to Japan Zuma?
Zuma: An old friend lives there and I haven't seen her in a long time.
Ryder: Oh, I see. Please keep in touch pups.
*Rocky and Zuma leave to get their vehicles.*
Ryder: Chase. Have you told Skye and Rubble?
Chase: No sir, I haven't. I am sure that they will be sad and I will miss them terribly especially Skye.
Ryder: Have you told her how you feel?
Chase: No, but she would never feel the same way.
Ryder: If you say so. Goodbye Chase.
Chase: Goodbye Ryder.
Ryder: Chase, wait! This isn't right. You and Rocky are going to the western USA. Why are you going there and on motorcycles?
Chase: Well Ryder, we have always wanted to travel Route 66 which will take us to California where after we will go and visit Rocky's sister in Germany and my uncle in Russia.
Ryder: Chase, that will take months, what if there is an emergency?
Chase: If you will have to get replacements for us, then that is alright, but please tell us first in case we ever come back.
Ryder: I could never replace you guys. Please be safe.
Rocky: We will.
Ryder: Uh oh, here come Skye and Rubble.
* Chase gave Ryder a note and told him to give it to Skye. Then Chase and Rocky rode off*
Ryder: Please be safe pups.
Skye: Where are Chase and Rocky going?
Ryder: America.
Skye: Wait, why?
Ryder: Chase felt terrible guilt for Marshall's death.
Skye: But it wasn't his fault. Marshall tripped on a banana peel and flew in front of a semi truck.
Ryder: I know, but he blames himself. Chase left a note for you. Do you want it?
Skye: Yes, of coarse. Can you read it to me?
Ryder: Ok, it says...(Chase's voice) Dear Skye, by the time you read this, I will already be gone. I want you to know that you are one of my best friends and that I will miss you as well as Ryder. I hope that we see each other again. Your friend Chase.
Skye: How could he?!
Ryder:(normal voice) Skye, wait!
*skye runs to her pup house and cries*
Skye: How could he just leave me? I thought that he cared about me!
*Rubble knocks on the door*
Rubble: Skye? Why are you crying?
Skye: Chase left me!
Rubble: How could he! I thought he was my friend!
Ryder: pups, time for dinner.
Rubble: It's ok Skye, I didn't leave you.
Skye: I know Rubble, thank you for that.
*hugs rubble*
Rubble: *blushes* Skye? D-do y-you want t-to be my girlfriend?
Skye: *sighs* I'm sorry Rubble, I don't think now is a great time for that. Chase might come back.

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