You know, I Still Love You

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KennyG: Attack!!!
*The battle went on for quite a while until only KennyG was left.
Chase: It's over. Surrender and give us back our friends.
KennyG: Fine, I'll get down on the ground and... Now!
* Sweetie and Humdinger appear and shoot Rosie and Barbossa. The two fall to the ground.*
Rocky: Rosie, no!!
KennyG: You morons, you were supposed to kill Chase, not my sister!
Rosie: Chase, you are a great brother, I just want you to know that. And Rocky, I love y...
Rocky: I will kill you humdinger!!!!!!
*Rocky throws a grenade at humdinger, decimating him.*
KennyG: And here I thought Chase was the fighter of the group. Guess I was wrong.
Chase: KennyG, she was our sister. How are you not devastated by her death?
KennyG: Believe it or not, I am actually sad. But I will still kill you and Rocky as well as having Skye all to myself!
Chase: I will never let that happen!
KennyG: Why do you care?
Chase: Because I already lost all of my teammates but Rocky, and I'm lot loosing the one that I swore to myself to protect! And I swear to you that as long as I'm still kicking, you won't lay a paw on her.
KennyG: This is why I will always be better than you. You let emotions cloud your mind. If you were more like me, then you would be more successful. I'll give you a choice. I'll take Skye with me and Sweetie and Flye will take Zuma, Tracker, and Everest. You choose who you will save. So long little bro.
*KennyG took off in a helicopter and Sweetie and Flye left in a boat.*
Chase: Come on Rocky!
Rocky: Where are you going?
Chase: To save Skye.
Rocky: Chase! It's either save one, or save three.
Chase: I LOVE HER!
Rocky: If we save the others, then we can save Skye together.
Chase: No, I will save Skye. If you want to save the others, then go.
Rocky: But...
Chase: I SAID GO! I thought that you were my best friend, but I guess I don't have one. We've been through a lot together, and I thought I could trust you to help me save the love of my life. I guess I was wrong.
Rocky: Chase...
Chase: Goodbye.
*On KennyG's helicopter*
KennyG: Well Skye, are you ready to marry me?
Skye: I will never marry you!
*a gun starts firing at the helicopter*
Pilot: Sir, we're hit.
KennyG: Chase, you never know when to quit. How many enemies pilot?
Pilot: Just one sir.
KennyG: Well Skye, Chase has come to save you. Pilot, take us down.
*the pilot takes the helicopter down and KennyG jumps out*
KennyG: You just don't know when to quit do you Chase?
Chase: Not as long as you have my friend.
KennyG: Alright Chase. Skye
Skye: Yes?
KennyG: Chase is here to try and rescue you but he will fail because he sucks.
*Hearing this made Chase snapped. He took out his pool cue and ran at his brother*
Chase: *screaming* This is it, give me Skye or else.
KennyG: No, I'm keeping her, and you are going to die.
*KennyG pushed Chase off a cliff. Chase hit the river below and didn't resurface. Skye started crying and KennyG Smiled evilly.*
KennyG: Now, where were we?

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