Chapter 24 - A Brave New World

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As a line of gold cut across the dark water, representing a bond, shining beautifully until it broke into pieces...

"GRENIN!?" Greninja shook awake after having a slight nightmare, panting as he felt his own body covered clothing? Ninja like although, he seemed not to care but the black ring around his neck is gone. He sat up having a dizzying vision until he adjusted, he heard the soft falls of a waterfall behind him. He observed his surroundings, the place was lush with trees and beautiful with birds quietly singing. He could no longer feel Ash's bond, he felt saddened a bit, but the question was...where was he? As he look forward he saw 2 black clothed figures headed towards him, he can hear their voices just from there. "Why even patrol when there is literally nothing out here?" The right one sounded annoyed, "Stop being lazy, who knows what we could find..." The left one replied harshly, "Hey I think I see someone." The right one turned forward revealing he was a Greninja with the colors of faded blue and yellow cream. "Wait is that a Greninja?" The left one squinted, he was also a Greninja with the colors of black and orange. Greninja took off which they followed swiftly yelling some unintelligible words.

It was a mad chase, Greninja not knowing where the hell did he just teleport to, but as soon as he was discovered by these black clothing Greninjas they just attacked him. And now here he was running and jumping tree to tree in the thick forest with the ninjas right behind his ass, "Shit, Shit, Shit..." Greninja muttered surprisingly knowing he can talk now.

"Oi...Is this a Greninja?" One of the black clothed Greninjas was jumping not too far away from him as his scarf flowed gracefully in the wind, "Pfff, no shit." The other replied sarcastically as they were jumping tree to tree swiftly.

"Shut up you-" The other bit his tongue, "AAAAAAAAHHHHH MY TONGUE!!!" he screamed as his tongue bled, "Oh for fucksake you bit your tongue again..." The other one sighed facepalming. Greninja almost laughed as he kept jumping, "Beta Team, Take Over!" The one who's tongue's not bleeding withdrew to help the one who bit his tongue.

And there was the 'Beta Team' with at least 7 Ninjas popping up from out of nowhere, "Stop the Greninja quick! Cut him off!" One of the 'Beta Team' member's yelled.

Dodging a bunch of blades and shurikens he thought he was out of this mess until...

"NET WALL!" A Ninja ordered as they brought up a net trap and...Greninja ran into it, "G-Gren!?" Greninja struggled as the net tangled around his legs and the ninjas holding it fell down struggling to keep hold of him. "HOLD HIM!" Someone ordered, the Ninjas tugged harder as Greninja squirmed and struggled until he was held by someone...

"STOP!" He ordered gruffly, Greninja tried to recognize him until he revealed himself pushing the upside down pan hat up making a pleasant warm smile at him.

"Greninja...I haven't seen you in a long time..."

"Old Friend."

"What brings you here?..." He asked softly.

"S-S-Sensei?..." Greninja gasped surprisingly.

"Ah yes it is me, Sensei you remember well." Sensei laughed, shaking Greninja as the net withdrew. "I see you've came to our world through...some portal." Sensei rubbed his chin thinking. "But anyways, sorry for the...confusion." He apologized bowing, "I had to hurry before they could actually hurt you." Sensei chuckled nervously but made a warm smile.

"Welcome to Lost Sword Arts, Greninja." Sensei introduced, Greninja tilted his head in confusion and curiosity, Sensei turned around shouting orders, "Everyone get back to Head Alpha! We'll know about the Greninja there!" The ninjas zipped away in a split second, "Not you two." Sensei held up a finger to the two ninjas, the one who bit his tongue and the other. "Kylo, Ioski, young ninjas." Sensei motioned them to come over. "Eh?...what is it." Ioski garbled out as he held a thick napkin to his bleeding tongue, "Yes Sensei?" Kylo replied  in form. "Get to know this Greninja, back at my place." Sensei answered cheerfully.

"Well Greninja? You can talk in this world like its nothing." Sensei chuckled, "Oh what?...Really?" Greninja replied making a slight chuckle.

"We'll talk about it later."

"Even with Ash Gone..."

"He still makes you..."


(Video not by me.)


As Ash knelt near the water staring sadly at it, he punched his fist to the ground, letting tears drop into the water. "Greninja....why did I have to lose you?..." Ash groaned, the others stared silently in disbelief; was Greninja really gone? "Ash..." Serena muttered, she hated seeing him all downed, he was always the boy who got through everything. "No..." Ash said firmly, "Greninja's not gone...even if our bond is broken..." Ash started. "Wherever he is, I'm sure he'll find a way to me and I find a way to him." Ash stood up turning around. " all have to stay, I'm sorry." Ash stated, "But why?" Bonnie whined, "But Ash-" Serena was interrupted, "It's far too dangerous, I don't want to put you all in harm's way." Ash knew he was right. "I have to agree, he's right whatever is below the water or wherever he thinks Greninja is, it's going to be far dangerous." Clement agreed. "Pikachu...can you stay please?" Ash asked his best partner, "Pika...Pika, Pika!" Pikachu protested, "I'm sorry but you can't come, I can't risk you getting hurt like last time." Ash frowned sadly.

Pikachu stared at his trainer, he nodded sadly knowing the truth. "Pikachu..." Pikachu hopped off his shoulder going to Bonnie. Ash pulled his hat down firmly, "This will be my goodbye, parting ways until I return with Greninja." Ash stated remembering Greninja has always been there with him, even at the lowest hope. Ash waved farewell and before he went, he grabbed something from the ground, a recording tape left behind a tree...

The tape said:

Greninja is gone what? Well the only clues left to get to the other world is by talking with those Greninja's that Xyz created himself, they're probably all at that Last Dance stage. If you are listening to this Ash...I was always watching you and now this is my final help to guide you to your beloved friend. You know me already, this voice is probably familiar to you but Greninja is not gone, have hope Ash find those Greninja's and talk to them, there is a rumor about a portal that Greninja went through...through to another world. Your bond is shattered but you can recover it, you and Greninja can still feel each other out there...


Here's my question to you...

Are you strong, brave, and have the will to save your friend?

Bond Between a Ninja and a Trainer [BOOK 1 Of The Bond Series]Where stories live. Discover now