Chapter 1

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The base was in a frenzy as Bots and humans scrambled to prepare for battle.

"What's up this time?" I asked one of our closest human friends, Lennox.

"Decepticon in China," he replied.

"Oooo, exotic. I hope someone knows Chinese," I said.

"Yeah well hopefully we can get this done quickly and quietly," Lennox commented.

"Roger that," I said before transforming and driving into one of the giant carrier planes.

Ironhide and Jazz drove in the same plane as I was, but I was too busy thinking about a certain bot. He was the leader of our faction. I don't know what it was about Optimus Prime that had my attention. Maybe it was his looks, his skill, or the way he led. Whatever the case, I had to keep reminding myself that he would probably never fall for me. I mean, there were three other girls on our team: Arcee, Chromia, and Elita-1. NEST called them the "Arcee Twins", although that made no sense to me since there's three of them, not two.

We were soon in the air and on our way to China. Ironhide, Jazz, and I were the first to jump out of the plane. I transformed and let the parachutes slowly guide me down. Sideswipe, Skids, Mudflap, and the soldiers soon joined us.

"Over there," Epps, another close friend of ours, said as he pointed towards some big pipes.

"On it," I said as I transformed and so did the others.

We got the Con out of hiding and fought it for a few minutes. The Con managed to shoot me in the shoulder, causing me to fall on my back. However, before I could recover, Optimus landed and chased down the Con.

"Blue! You okay?" Lennox asked me.
"Yeah, just a scratch," I replied.

Okay, maybe is wasn't just a scratch, but I'm used to this sort of thing...for the most part. Sideswipe came over and helped me up.

"Thanks," I said, giving him a small smile.

He smiled back and together went to find the others. We found them outside an abandoned warehouse.

"BlueStreak, you doing alright?" Star asked as she came up to me.

"Yeah...mostly," I replied with a small smile.

I looked around for Optimus and mentally sighed with relief when I saw that he was okay.

"Your shoulder is hurt. Let me take a look. And don't try and tell me you are fine. I am stubborn, not blind," Star said.

"It's...okay," I replied as the pain reached my head, causing me to cringe.

Star helped to move me so I was sitting before she started looking over the wound. She welded the vessels closed. I knew that there was more to come once we got back to base.

"Alright, you are good for now, but I will have to finish it up when we get back to base. Oh and try not to move around too much on the plane, I did a quick weld not a necessarily stable one," she said.

I nodded, then she stood and left. I sighed as I stood up.

Well, no sense in transforming. This is gonna be a long ride.

I looked around and saw that Optimus was talking with Ratchet and Ironhide. I found myself just staring. Eventually, Optimus noticed and we locked optics. He gave me a small smile and I swear my spark skipped a beat. He rolled his optics as he gestured to Ironhide and Ratchet.

'You alright?' he mouthed to me.
Oh my Primus, he actually cares about me?

I gave a small smile back and shrugged, which wasn't a very smart idea. I cringed slightly from the pain as I felt my face start to heat up.

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