Pallet X Goth

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Pallet and Goth had been best friends their entire lives, born merely a few months apart and since their parents were friends they were always around each other and stuck to the other like glue. Yet they only ever thought of each other as friends, nothing more, nothing less. This was true until high school when they started looking at each other differently and couldn't understand why.

"Hey mom can I talk to you?" Goth asked nervously as he twiddled his fingers.
"Of course, what is it?" Geno asked as he sat down next to his son.
"You know Pallet, right?" Geno nodded. "Well... Every time I'm around him my soul skips at beat and my face heats up, I don't know why, is something wrong with me..?" Goth's eye sockets were wide in fear.
"Aw, of course not it's a tiny little thing called love," Geno smiled. "You have a crush on Pallet," He told Goth, and his jaw dropped.
"B-but he's my best friend!" Goth exclaimed.
"Your father was my best friend once," Geno said.
"And I'm going over to Pallet's house today too," Goth groaned.
"It'll be fine, you can tell him your feelings I'm sure he'll feel the same," Geno said.
"I-i guess I can try," Goth mumbled.

"Hello Gothy!" Pallet smiled as he opened the door for his friend.
"Hello," Goth said as he walked inside.
"So what do you wanna do today?" Pallet asked as the two sat down on the couch.
"How about we play some video games in your room?" Goth suggested.

They ended up having a sleepover and it all went fine until they both woke up in the middle of the night. Their faces flushed and sweaty.

"P-pallet..?" Goth stuttered out, gripping his sleeping bag close to him. Pallet only groaned as he rolled over and tried to get comfortable with his current situation. "P-pallet I-I feel r-really hot," Goth whimpered.
"M-me too," Pallet said, yet he didn't turn over.
"D-do you know what this i-is..?" Goth asked, a large purple glow emanated from his crotch area.
"It's h-heat... It's my first one," Pallet said.
"'Heat'..? W-what..?" Goth seemed confused.
"Heat... It makes a monster have a strong need for sexual intercourse," Pallet explained, tightening his grip on his sheets.
"I-it h-hurts a bit d-do you know how to f-fix it...?" Goth asked, his hands tightly placed around his pelvis.
"Y-yeah, come here," Pallet finally turned around and sat up, beckoning for Goth to come closer to him. Goth shakily stood up and sat next to Pallet on his bed. "Now, I-I'm going to do something, you tell me to stop if you want me stop... okay?" Goth nodded. Pallet slowly and carefully removed Goth's cloak, letting it fall lightly to the ground. Pallet's eye lights grew bigger as he marveled at Goth's ribs.
"Don't j-just stare!" Goth squeaked, his face covered in blush.
"Alright~" Pallet smiled as he trailed his hands down Goth's exposed bones, he didn't bother with the other's pants at the moment. Tiny moans escaped from Goth's mouth, slowly they got louder as Pallet started to suck and lick at his ribs.
"P-p-pallet I feel w-weird..." Goth moaned. "B-but it f-feels g-good," He bit down on his tongue as Pallet continued his attack on the other's ribs.
"C-can I kiss you..?" Pallet asked with big eye lights as he looked at the other, ceasing his attack momentarily. Goth nodded, his blush growing a bit stronger. Pallet leaned forward as brought them together in a tend kiss, they both held tightly onto the other. "I-I love you," Pallet said in a wispy voice as they parted.
"I l-love you too," Goth said, dazed by his current situation.
"Can we keep g-going?" Goth nodded, squeaking as his pants and underwear were removed, Pallet doing the same. Pallet inserted his fingers slowly into Goth, trying to prepare him. Goth gasped and moaned as Pallet continued. Finally Pallet removed his fingers completely.
"W-why'd you s-stop..?" Goth asked.
"T-this might hurt a bit," Pallet said, Goth was a bit confused but gasped loudly as Pallet started to push into him. Goth bit his tongue. Pallet froze when he had pushed in completely. "I'm sorry, I'll wait 'till you're ready," Pallet apologized, lightly kissing Goth to try to distract him from the pain. After around ten minuets Goth spoke up again.
"Y-you can keep g-going," Goth told him. Pallet pulled out before slamming back in, slowly his pace increased as did Goth's moans. "P-pallet s-something's h-happening!" Goth cried out as he climaxed, huffing and puffing as Pallet continued. After a few more thrusts Pallet emptied his seed deep into his lover.
"S-sorry about that," Pallet apologized as he pulled Goth close to him in a hug.
"It's fine," He told him.
"I love you," Pallet said, kissing Goth once more.
"I love you too," Goth giggled a bit.

Sorry about the lack of updates for a bit, here's this :P

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