the flight : prologue

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harry grabbed his luggage bag and ran downstairs.

"au revoir, maman!"
{goodbye, mother!}
he said standing in the entrance of the kitchen.

"au revoir, mon chéri! ne quitter pas le prof, d'accord?"
{goodbye, my dear. don't leave the teacher, okay?}
she said sternly and harry nodded.

she kissed his forehead and he was off to school. where'd they get in the school bus and go to the airport to fly to london.

harry's always loved london and would like to live there one day.

he talked amongst his friends.

"harry, est-ce que tu pense que les garçons en l'angleterre sont mignons?"
{harry, do you think the boys in britain are cute?}
a girl asked him as if he knew the answer.

harry simply shrugged not wanting the main conversation to be about boys.

but that wasn't going to happen. therefore harry put in his headphones and listened to james arthur throughout the whole trip. although harry couldn't fully understand what the man was saying, he liked the music.

– – –

arriving in london all the sleeping boys and girls exited the plane with renewed energy and excitement.

madam lapine gave the addresses to the teens to the houses of the family's they'd be staying with.

when harry received his card it read:
payne family
mere: karen payne
pere: geoff payne
fil: liam payne
a bientôt!

harry would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. he saw how many of his classmates were put in the same family house, yet harry was the unlucky one and was by himself.

harry looked around the airport and saw a tall, brown haired boy his age holding a sign that said

the boy searched for harry but harry walked up to him.

"i am harry." harry spoke in an accent.

"hi, harry! i'm liam. welcome to london!" he said and stuck his hand out and harry shook it.

"hi, madam and monsieur payne." harry said with a nod.

"si tu vuex, tu peux parle en français avec moi."
{if you want, you can talk in french with me.}
liam suggested and harry smiled while nodding.

"please, thank you. euh. my english is not good. so i'm sorry if i talk the wrong words." harry stammered and karen laughed.

"aw. that's fine dear! liam here will take care of you." she said and gestured to liam.

"so are you hungry?" geoff asked.

"oui–i mean yes, sorry." harry blushed.

geoff chuckled and led them to the car.

"so harry, what do you like to do?" liam asked trying to know the person who will be living in his house for the next month.

"euh.. i like reading and draw. i like drawing." he said simply.

"you don't play sports?"

"no, i don't play the sports." he said.

liam nodded and later explained what they were going to tomorrow.

meanwhile harry just pretended to follow along but in reality he was still thinking about the strange couple kissing in the airport.

he says strange because it was two guys.

/ / /

hey guys, it's kem aka nic

anyway this is my new story.

hope you all enjoy and i will try
to stick to updating once a week :)

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