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they arrived to the payne household and liam showed harry his room.

"goodnight." they said and liam left.

he immediately started unpacking for the day at school.

this is so cool.

harry thought and smiled to himself.

i wonder if there are any cute girls.

and shook his head.

with my english.. my chance of getting their number is close to none.

he said and laughed.

but after the laughter his mind went back to the gay couple.

that's weird.

he thought.

what if i–no! how does that even work? they're loonies.

harry thought and cringed.

in france marriage was traditional and straight. if there were gay couples they wouldn't demonstrate their affection towards their significant other in public.

harry laid in bed listening to the distant sounds of traffic and nature.

– – –

"harry?" liam knocked on his door.

harry opened an eye and saw liam.

"morning." he smiled and liam replied.

"time to get up. we leave in 30 minutes." he said and left.

harry opened the blinds of the window and was greeted with another gay couple walking down the street hand in hand.

"ils sont bizarre." {theyre crazy.} he mumbled to himself and got ready.

putting on a top and jeans, he ran his fingers through his curls and let them free.

he went to the bathroom to freshen up and went downstairs where he was offered options for breakfast.

"euh.. do you have the cereal and the juice orange?" harry asked and karen nodded.

"yes! we do." she said and gave it to him.

"bon appétit." she said and liam groaned and harry laughed.

"what?" she asked.

"that's italian, not french." liam explained and she turned red, harry giggled quietly.

"that is okay." harry said and ate.

"harry, we got to go. bus is here." liam said and they left.

once they got on the bus, all eyes were on harry.

he played with the hem of his shirt to distract himself from the fact that he was the center of attention.

when he sat down, everyone started asking questions.

"are you french?"

"why do they call it french kissing?"

"do you have a girlfriend?"

"are guys cute in french?"

"what about girls?"

harry mentally prepared himself for the day ahead of him.

"liam, i have need of utilizing the toilets." harry said and liam laughed and nodded.

"you can just say use." liam said.

"use." harry said to himself and left.

after having down his business, he exited the restroom and looked for liam.

having no success in that he asked the person closest to him.

"excuse me. i do not see my friend, liam. do you know him?" he asked the tan boy.

"ah, you're harry. the exchange student?" zayn smiled.

"um, yes. i am harry. nice to meet you, what is you're name?" he asked politely sticking his hand out.

"zayn. zayn malik."

"hi, zayn. i do not see–"

"liam. got it," he said. "like a damn record player." zayn mumbled.

"ay yo! payno! ya lost you're boyfriend here." zayn said and pointed to harry.

"shut up, z." liam rolled his eyes.

"fine piece of ass on that one." zayn said, winked to harry and walked away.

harry did not think much of the word boyfriend for he thought it was a friend who was a boy.

but meaning can be lost in translation after all.

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short chapter, i know lol.

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