EXTRA- Zoe's Run

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*Author's Note*

It was requested, so here it is! If you're wondering what the difference is between an Extra and a chapter, or the regular story, it's that it's not told in Lily's POV. The story is told through her, so anything that isn't told through her I can't really count as the actual story. So please keep that in mind. But this won't be the only Extra, so prepare to see a few more. Also, at the beginning of every Extra, there will be a brief explanation about it. Enjoy! 


This starts at the end of chapter 3 when Zoe is about to run away, and ends after Zoe is found in the hallway by Lily.


Zoe's Run

Zoe was terrified, but she didn't want to show it. Somehow Lily still seemed to be able to see it. Zoe continued to tug her wrist through the cuff. It was coming loose fairly fast, which was surprising. She had tried for days, or at least every time she woke up, to get her wrist free, and every time hadn't been able to. But with one final tug her wrist came free, looking red and feeling sore from where the cuff had cut into her skin. She examined her wrist, noticing it had gotten smaller. She was pretty sure that was a good thing.

She looked over at Lily, who seemed to be thinking about something. "I'm free." Zoe whispered to her. "What should I do now?"

Lily began explaining her plan, which made no sense at first. All Zoe got out of it was, "Run, run, run, don't you dare stop! Keeping running!" But then as she explained it more, Zoe understood. It made sense, but she was really worried with the thoughts of Lily being left alone to defend herself. Lily was strong, but she wasn't a man. And she didn't have a weapon. The plan wasn't thought through enough, but it would have to do. Hopefully.

Zoe leaned back into a lying down position, pulling her pillow in front of the cuff, then laying her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. Then she waited. When the man came in and she either heard a thud or Lily shouting "Go!", then she'd run.

Zoe heard Lily scream. Her pulse quickened as she waited in anticipation for a signal. Any signal really. And it happened quickly.

Zoe heard the slightest thud, and that was when she bolted upright. She shot out of the bed, subtly stumbling a step because of her sore leg, and started running as fast as her injured leg would take her. She didn't look back since Lily had told her not to; she only looked ahead of herself.

Zoe didn't think as she ran, she just did. A turn up ahead, turn left. She ignored the pain in her leg and forced it to keep moving. At least it had time to heal while she was unconscious.

Then a right turn. Was that footsteps she heard? No, just her imagination. Right? She skid as she made the turn, but noticed that no one was ahead of her. She blew out a small breath of relief. Still, she was getting tired. She hadn't run so much since she was sixteen. It wasn't that long ago, but it still made a difference.

She made a right turn again, but this time there was a problem. Her eyes widened in alarm. She could hear footsteps distantly behind her, but clearly, probably around the corner she had just turned. She wasn't imagining it. If they came around the corner she was sure they'd see her. She needed to do something. And quick. She looked around frantically.

There, beside her!

She didn't think. She opened the door to the room that was to her right and rushed in, quietly shutting it behind her.

Mistake! Her mind screamed. What if there was someone already in the room behind her?

She whirled around, and her shoulders sagged in visible relief when she was met with an empty room. That was a stupid thing she had done, and it could have been a huge mistake.

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