Chapter 9- The Road

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Chapter 9

The Road

I ran onto the road and looked to my left to see-nothing. There were no cars, not even one. I looked to my right- nothing, no cars on that side either. I came to the conclusion that we were still in the middle of nowhere. The chances of a car passing by, was slim-to-none. I let out a heavy sigh. At least the road would lead us somewhere. That is considering we didn’t die before we got to wherever that “somewherewas.

“Which way should we go?” I asked Zoe.

She looked down the road both ways. “I think to the right.”

I nodded and started walking the way Zoe suggested.

I swear I had been walking for hours! We had finally decided to take a rest after getting nowhere fast. We -or might I say I- had walked and walked down the road and we were still in the middle of nowhere! Those people who took us must really have thought everything through. With the lack of food, I was starting to wonder if we would have been better off with them! But of course we wouldn’t have, we would have probably been dead if we were still with them.

“Should I start a fire?” I asked Zoe.

“I guess.” Zoe said with her eyes closed. “But make it close to the road just in case somebody comes by.”

“Okay.” I said as I started gathering wood.

I had to say, I was happy that Zoe hadn’t given up yet and that she didn’t want me to leave her anymore. I guess she got it through her head that her arguing with me was just wasting her breath. 

I smiled to myself as I started striking a match. The little stick was soon on fire, and I set it on top of a pile of dry leaves and sticks. Soon the fire had completely consumed the leaves and it began to consume the wood. I lay back on the cool grass and closed my eyes. I hoped no nightmares came to haunt me tonight.

Sleep began to overtake me, but the night grew colder. I opened my eyes to see is that the fire had burned out.

I got up with a groan and put more wood and leaves on our burned-out fire. I took a match out and lit it, letting it drop on the pile of wood. With that I laid back down and closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep.

I felt something in front of me. Oh great, another dream. I thought to myself.

I tried to ignore it, but it was hard. I groaned as I felt hot wind blow against my face. Wait, hot wind? What the heck was going on?

My eyes slowly opened, but everything was blurry. I closed and opened my eyes to clear them, and soon the blur was gone. My eyes widened at what I saw. I kicked myself off the ground and knocked myself back into a tree. I felt my head throb from hitting it, but I didn’t make any sound. I was too busy analyzing what was in front of me.

Right in front of me was a crouching man, who now looked up to my form leaning against the tree. When I first woke up, he looked shocked, like he wasn’t expecting me to be alive. But looking at my terrified self, he looked more concerned rather than surprised by my being able to breathe.

“Are you okay?” His deep voice asked.

He had beautiful blue eyes and spiked light brown hair. He looked muscular, making me think he might’ve been one of them. He looked to be in his thirties.

“What kind of question is that?! Of course I’m not okay!” I exclaimed. “How did you find us? Why would you be driving in the middle of nowhere? How did you even notice us? And why the heck would you ask such a stupid question?” I asked all-in-one breath.

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