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♡Main Characters


♡Story Signs

A Pov. = Ashley's Pov

J Pov. = Jak's Pov

♡Character Dialogues

Jak- A tough yet kind person. He doesn't let anyone mess with him or his friends. Jak goes through the life as a vampire which he enjoys, he may drink human blood and be Mr. Tough Guy but he smiles. In his life he went through being unsociable because of who he is, this angered him causing himself to be short tempered on anyone that hurts his friends. That will all change for the incredible miracle of Ashley. He goes ballistic if ANYONE hurts or touches Ashley.

Ashley-A kind gentle girl, she can be sensitive towards others and very shy. Ashley loves making new friends and has a loving family. Throughout her life she lost a loved one and her ex did some horrible things to her. She enjoys talking to others and draw. Her life will change for the best ever when she meets Jak.

♡Hidden Blood Eyes♡ ✔Completed✔Where stories live. Discover now