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Fear flashes in her beautiful chocolate swirl eyes as Ashley sprints through the trees and arrives quicky at the tree. She had to climb up but as soon as her hand touches the tree a strong but gentle grip from behind pulls at her. She freezes like ice and whimpers. As she's turned around Sean was there. He cooes her by pulling her close to his chest and rubs her back. She calms down mysteriously, H....how am I....so calm.." Her voice is always so sweet and angelic and soft. Sean pulls away then walks towards the stream staring out into it. "Ashley....I would never hurt you......I didn't know who you were at the time, but then I found out who you really are." Ashley gasps, "W...what??" "Your online name is Draw18 correct?" Silence fills the place. Sean looks back at Ashley but she was already gone out into the woods. So Sean did what he had to do, transformed into a small cute bat and soars up into the trees using night vision in search for her. "Ashley....please you have to listen to me...."

The terrified girl was running, running for dear life until she trips over a huge log. Blood gushes out of her arm and hand. Screaming in deep pain until she spies a bat flying towards her. As her eyes follow the bat she squints them because of the bright moon. Then it lands on a fallen tree next to her. *Flash!* Sean was human once more jumping off the deadfall surrounding him. The poor young girl was scared of how this person knew her online name and what he is. To her mind he wasn't normal, and ever since she met him at gym it made sense, the way he acted towards others. Was he a stalker? *whimpers and cries leaning up against a tree* "Y......you....were a bat.....what are...you....." Surprisingly she wasn't scared. But she was still trembling in fear as to who he was. A smirk followed by a sexy low chuckle escapes Sean's lips. "I see.......you always were scared of everything Ashley..." He walks towards her as his hair sways in the night. Then with one arm snaking around her waist he pulls her into a soft hug. Tears fall down his face, "You probably....might hate me....but I'm someone you have known your whole life. Why don't we go back to your house and play some MineCraft."

Ashley freezes instantly as she backs away a bit with tears in her eyes.....

♡Vision Starts♡.......Ashley went to the store for her birthday. Passing each store made her yawn all bored until in the corner of her eye was Game Stop. "Mom, Dad, can I go in their!?" They laugh and handed her some money, "Go buy whatever you want, its your special day." She screams in excitement running into the store. Not many people were in today, meh probably because it was a school day. Ash walks down seeing shelves of games she has already played but wants something different for a change. Going up to the desk she sees her dad's friend Jack who knows Ashley pretty well, "Haha Ashley I see your here because its your birthday. Tell your father to give me a call about that job I told him to paint at. So what game do you wanna buy?" He had his elbow on the desk smiling, such a great guy, always kind and sweet. Usually Ash sometimes will come here just to talk to him if people were bullying her at school. People were but she didn't wanna talk about it, it was her special day, "Hi Jack, I wanna get something different for a change you know, mix things up a bit." Jack smiled more as he pulls her to the back shelf on the right side of the store. "Here, take a browse, if you need anything just ask me." He pats her back then goes back to helping some customers. Ash smiles seeing many different games, so many choices. As her eyes scatter all over the shelf in excitement a boy a bit older then her was walking by until he accidentally bumps into her. She winces as that push was hard, "A...are you ok?! I am so so sorry....I don't know my own strength..." Ash looked up to see a older teenager with brown short clean hair. He was wearing a Pokemon jacket and black ripped jeans. But you couldn't see his eyes as they were covered by a dark grayish bandana. "Awww....its ok, accidents happen." Her voice was so soft and beautiful that it mesmerizes the boy. "So, are you looking for a game to play?" He smiles and she smiles back, "Yea its my birthday, I'm 14. I wanna get something that's different comparing to action games." The teen boy looked up higher on the shelf and saw something that caught his eye, "Wow, I'm gonna get a copy of this game, I always wanted to play this!" Ash sees the game MineCraft in his hands. She frowns, "I....don't have enough money....and MineCraft is actually the one game...I always wanted to play..." Sean suddenly frowns but then smiles rubbing her arm with his hand, "Shh...don't be sad...I'll buy it for you." She gasps, "R...really?! You are so so kind....but I don't know you..." He puts a finger to her lips, "I can see your a kind young girl....I'll do this for you, the money is on me.."

Ash said no more as she was shocked. Sean pays for her game as they both walk out. Ash's parents sees a boy walking with their daughter, "Aww Ash who's your little friend?" Her mom was smiling in delight. Ashley shrugs her shoulders, "I...don't know...but he introduced me into this new game, and bought this for me....for my birthday. Btw thank.....you..???" As she turns around Sean was gone.

That night Ash's father helped her log in, set up the game on her laptop and all that jazz. "Alright sweetie, you can play for a little while, your mom and I will be outside tending some food for supper. Shout if you need anything." Ash smiles as she couldn't stop wiggling in her chair, "Wait dad, what about a username?" He chuckles, "Be creative....your already creative as an artist....love you.." He closes the door, Ash stares back at her computer puzzled, "Hmmm....I'm a creative artist....thats it!!!" A lightbuld went off in her head and decided her username should be Draw18. She even made her own minecraft skin, it tooks hours to make but it was worth it. As she logs on the one game she wants to play is Draw My Thing. The server wasn't that packed with people. Some people lefted the server from glitches, other sticked around. As Ash was typing in chat what the drawing might be someone said hi to her in chat. She types hi back then it replies wanna talk in private chat. Instantly she gulps thinking it might be a scammer but something felt calming about this person. She goes into Minecraft private chat on the home page as they type....

Draw18 Hi, what's up? :)

Skillet217 Nothing much, wow your sweet. What's your name? :)

Draw18 ...

Skillet217 Hey hey....whats wrong...tell me. :(

Draw18 I'm a shy person.....I am so so sorry....I'll leave. :'(

Skillet217 Hey shhh....its ok.....I will never force you to do things you don't ever wanna do. :) How about this, we can call each other by our online names. So you can call me Skillet, and I'll call you Draw. ♡

Draw18 Wow......ok...

Skillet217 You ok? :)

Draw18 No one....on earth is ever this sweet and kind to me.....

Skillet217 You...wanna talk about it....

Draw18 Y...yea...I would like to talk to you....for some reason I trust you. :)

For about an hour Draw explains to Skillet all the stuff she went through and still from this day with bullying and not being in school most of the days because of bullies.

Skillet217 >:(

Draw18 U...umm...I'm so sorry...I NEVER in my life talked about myself....did I upset you? :'(

Skillet217 Draw........thats just.....no one as beautiful and sweet and caring as you deserves to EVER be bullied. You are a beautiful sweet amazing girl, you can ALWAYS talk to me....about anything...I'm always here for you. Your beautiful in more ways then one, never doubt that. ♡

Draw18 S....Skillet......thank you....so much. :'( ♡

Skillet217 I wanna be your best friend. :) ♡

Draw18 So do I. :)

Skillet217 So.....best friends? :') ♡

Draw18 Y...yea....best friends....for a very long time. :') ♡

Skillet217 So...what do you wanna talk about? I wanna get to know you a lot more. ♡

Draw18 Ok...I would like that...

Draw talks to Skillet for hours on end that she didn't realize she fell asleep. She didn't even eat dinner. Her head was on the keyboard asleep all cute. A minute later her parents walk in. They both smile as her father shuts down her laptop and her mother tucks her in. On the other side Skillet saw the tag Draw18 logged off. But he smiled, "Hehe.....she is....the first person...to ever care for me....no matter what happens....I will always protect and care for you Draw..." He stares up into his bedroom window. ♡Visions Ends♡

♡Hidden Blood Eyes♡ ✔Completed✔Where stories live. Discover now