LiveRock High School

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LiveRock high school.

My first day, and I will be late. Alex didn't drive me because 'I shouldn't have been coming to HER school anyway'

So now I am 15 minutes late on my first day.

I quickly open the doors when I reach the school and look at my crumpled schedule.

"Right, math class.... Oh shit where is math class?!" I thought aloud.

I heard someone chuckling over by the lockers on the right. My eyes shot up to see a boy, he looked around my age. He had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was tanned and bulky.

He started walking slowly towards me with a smirk. "You new?" He asks. I nodded shyly. "Well math class is down the hall three door on your left." He points down the hall. "Um, thanks." I give him a smile. I started walking when I felt a strong hand grab my arm and pulled my back lightly.

"Don't go to far" The mysterious boy whispers in my ear and lets go.


"Now class since its the first day you will not be getting homework, but! You will have a math test on friday just to see were you are in math and what you need help on-" I tuned out the teacher in boredom.

I put my hood up not wanting to get the teachers attention. I, Im not a nerd. I'm not that smart and im a bit of a trouble maker . Im not a teacher's pet and i wont shine the teachers apple, shit like that. I don't go to parties and i don't just study all weekend. Im normal I guess. Just normal me.

I start playing with my short brown hair, thinking about that boy this morning. What did he mean 'Don't go to far.' He doesn't own me!

"Hey can i borrow a pencil?" A girl sitting infront of me snapped me out of my thoughts. She was wearing a grey beanie, jeans and a Pikatue t-shit. She had straight brown hair and a really pretty smile.

"Oh, um sorry I don't have a spare." I bit my lip.

"Thats fine! Oh my gawd! Iv never seen you here before? Are you new? Or have you been here all the time and i didnt notice? Im sooo sorry! If You were here before i should know you-"

"Im new! Its okay!" I chuckle. She is quiet talkative, isnt she.

"Oh! I love new people! New people means knew friends and new friends means MORE FRIENDSHIP! My name is Charlotte, Charlotte Walsh." She holds out her hand and i take it.

"Nice to meet you Charlotte, Im Alyssa. Alyssa ryan." I greet.

"Wow, pretty name and pretty face! Did you know you are really pretty! I bet you do! Everyone must tell you your pretty! Because, well, YOU ARE-!"

Charlotte was cut off by the bell. Time for lunch. Thank god.

"OH MY GOSH ALYSSA! Come to our group! A have the bestest friends ever there!" She squeals.

I chuckle nodding.


"Hey guys!!" Charlotte greeted her table sitting down. "This is Alyssa and she is really cool! Alyssa this is Sam," charlotte pointed at a girl at the end of the table. She had very short brown curly hair... And thats all I could see of her as her head was stuck in a book 'Catching Fire'.

"Thats willow but call her Wizzo" charlotte pointed at a tall girl with long straight brown hair. She smiled and waved at me, "Hi Alyssa, sorry about Sam, she read that book like 5 times...."

I chuckled "Can you blame her? Best series ever!" When i said that Sams face jumped out of the book, "I LIKE HER ALREADY!!" She smiled. I chuckled more.

"This is Grace but call her Gracie." Charlotte pointed to a girl with brown curly hair and blue eyes that were now beaming with excitement. "Hey!" She smiled.

"And last but not least Nicole." Charlotte pointed at a blonde haired girl, she had amber eyes and was fixing her make up. "Hey Alyssa!" She smiled at me then going back to her make up.

"And thats our group!" Charlotte smiled.

Before I can say anything im getting pulled out of the cafeteria and out to the bare hallways. Im press against the locks and someone body. I look up to see the boy I met in the hallways this morning,

"Miss me?"


What did you think:)

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Question: How do you think Alyssa will react? Will she kiss him? Or not.

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