Friends and ...Arron

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My mouth opened but no words came out. He chuckled lightly. I suddenly noticed his head coming closer. 'Wait, no he is not about to kiss me! Is he?!' I thought to my self.

"Arron? Don't you have a girlfriend?" He stopped and turned around. There was a girl with long straight brown hair and blue eyes. She had pale skin and glasses.

"Nah, broke up with her a few minutes ago, you know me lauren. Im not a cheater." He smirked

"But you are a player." She rolled her eyes.

"Arron? Thats your name?" I heard myself say. Arron turned around chuckling.

"Yeah and this is my sister Lauren, unfortunately." He smirked at his sister.

"Oh shut up Arron and leave this poor girl alone and go make out with one of your fans!" Lauren snared.

"I wouldnt call them fans! More like... My fuck buddies!" Arron smirked.

I cringed not liking how he sees girls as 'fuck buddies'.

"Ew, Arron yock, please do us a favor and go away." Lauren told him.

Arron shrugged, turned to me and whispered "don't go to far." Arron winked whilst hanging my a piece of paper with his phone number on it and walked back into the cafeteria.

"Sorry about him." Lauren bit her lip.

I chuckled awkwardly.

"I dont know what the hell I was doing...." I admit.

"He always does that kind of thing, he likes to call it 'Hes sexy charms' but I just call it 'grabing girls by the arm and making out.....' Also known as 'rape'." She smirked, while i burst out laughing. "Well... They don't object to it...." She trailed off.

"You should come meet my table, ....."

"Oh sorry, my name is Alyssa, Alyssa Rayn but please call me, Allie" i smiled

"Well you already know my name, but call my Loz." She smiles taking me back into the cafeteria.

"Hey girls!" Lauren smiled. I laughed as i realized this was the group charlotte showed me.

"This is-"

"Allie!" Grace cut her off.

"Oh... You guys have met?" Lauren chuckled.

"Yeah I was just here when your lovely brother dragged me out of the cafeteria!" I laugh.

"WAIT!" Nicole put down her make up brush. "You mean Arron?! Arron shay!" She squealed.

"Oh god here we go again." Lauren rolled her eyes. "Nicole he is not hot! Jesus, he is a player and treats girls like shit." Lauren explains

"So? He is hot." Willow adds

"Who needs Arron when you have Peta." Sam smirks and will all laugh.

"So girls," Lauren speaks, "I'm hosting a little sleep over on friday! Who is coming?" He smiles.

"Im so so so so soooo sorry! I cant come to your party, me and grace have cheerleading practice all day! Maddy will kill us if we miss it! We have a huge dance off thing were we dance off and its really cool cause we-" charlotte was cut off by lauren.

"Its okay!" Lauren chuckled.

"Who is Maddy?" I ask

"Maddy is our head cheerleader. She is basically in charge of the gang. She is really nice but you don't get on her bad side." Grace smiled.

I leaned over to nicole, "Have you ever seen grace without a smile?" I ask seriously. "Nope." She laughs

"Ill come." Willow smiles while playing 'Flappy Birds' on her phone.

"Yeah i guess i could come to." Sam mumbles still reading her book.

Then everyone looked at me (except sam of course!)

"Huh, id love to come but i dont wanna be a bother..." I say truthfully.

"Of course not! Its this friday ill text you the address." She smiles while putting her number in my phone.

My first day and I'm already invited to a sleepover .... Nice.


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Question: what do you think will happen at the sleep over?

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