Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I knocked on the door to Ian's house and rang the doorbell before just standing there.

I was going to tell Ian exactly how I felt. I'm tired of playing games it's been entirely too long and I wanted to be with Ian. I want to be able to call him mine. I want him all to myself, and no one else can have him. I want to be his official girl, and I wasn't going to leave till I was. I don't know where all this found courage came from, but It came when I wake up, but the only thing is I don't exactly remember getting here.

I rang the doorbell once more, and waited. It was unlikely for Ian to leave anyone at the door for this long. Especially me. I knocked on the door just as it pushed open. That was strange. I grew a little apprehensive as I took each step in the house.

The only time that things like this happen were in scary movies and I was not about to have any of that shit happen to me. I slowly closed the door behind me making sure to not make any noise. As I stood in the foyer I could hear very little noise, but nevertheless it was a sound. Since the house was so big I'm sure small noises we like that. 

I continued through the house climbing the stair to Ian's room. As suspected I could hear the noises louder and echo throughout the hallway. It was a grunting noise. I didn't have a clue what it was, but I still continued. Not knowing what exactly I'd walk into.

I stood at Ian's door worried. I didn't know weather to open the door or not. I mean it sounded like it there were still small sound, not too loud. I slowly twisted the knob and walked in.

My eyes must've bulged out of my head. I saw Ian on the top of a small petite body going in and out. The door shut behind me and I got the attention of the Ian and the girl in the bed. 

My heart dropped at the sight before me. I froze just like the night with Manny I froze in my spot unable to move and unable to speak. I saw Carmen's embarrassed face under Ian's hold. 

It as if the world was frozen, like I had just entered an alternate universe that was frozen. I could see Ian's mouth moving but it seemed as if no words were coming out. The hot tears fell to the carpet leaving a small wet puddle at my feet, the only thing I could hear was a small and faint beeping noise in the distant.

My eyes opened before anything else could happen, my breaths came out short and heavy. Sweat was still coming from down my forehead. It was a dream only a dream. 

As relieved as I was, I was still angry. The fact that that could even be a dream. That couldn't be possible it was ridiculous. I turned my alarm off and swung my feet off the bed. Today was Tuesday, but since Carmen was sick I didn't have a ride to school. 

As I made my way to the bathroom I heard moans similar to in my dream coming from Dawns room. Naturally we haven't spoken. She was never here and when she finally decides to come it was to have sex. I cringed at the fact and ignored it.

I didn't need Dawn I was practically an adult, and was obviously doing a good job by myself. Or at least I thought. It was time to face the fact that I was going to be independent for the rest of my life, which wasn't too bad. I just wish I didn't have to.

I made my way to the bathroom blocking out the sounds from Dawn's bedroom across. I stepped in the shower and let the hot water run over my body. Just as fast as the water came it left. I continued to twist the knob trying to reactivate it, but it was no use.

 I let out a long sigh. Guess who didn't pay the water bill? Dawn. I dried off and went back in my room to pack a bag. Looks like I'd be staying over Carmen's house, and I guess taking care of her today.

Once I was all packed and ready I grabbed the keys to Dawn's car and headed to Carmen's house.

I pulled up to Carmen's driveway seeing her red convertible parked in the garage. I killed the engine and got out walking straight through the garage door and in the house.

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