Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I could only think about Ian now, for the last two weeks we've been talking. He hasn't taken me out yet which I find kind of strange he hasn't even tried to ask. Maybe he didn't like me and wasn't interested like that but I doubted that I mean he always calls me beautiful and flirts, just hasn't taken me out. I decided to not worry about it though.

Right now I'm in Chemistry the worst class of the day. This nigga gave us test after test, but barely teach shit. But at least I was getting by with a C. After finishing a quiz he gave us at the beginning of class I walked to the desk and handed in my paper. As I begin to walk away he caught my attention. "Ms. Davis what did you think of the quiz" he asked as I turned my head facing him in the face. "Umm it was okay sir" he gave me a small smile. "I expect you to do better in my class, you have a lot of potential you just seem to be making careless mistakes" he said "Okay, I will try harder" I lied. "That's all I ask Ms. Davis." I gave him a small smile and walked back to my seat.

Lately most of my teachers have been giving me the same speech I've mostly just been tuning them out cause I don't really care. I just get lazier and lazier about school ever since Ian and I have start talking. I hadn't even really noticed till now.

The bell rang taking me away from my thoughts. I walked to my locker getting the things I needed and walked out the door as quickly as I could I was just ready to go home without any distractions. When I walked outside the first thing I noticed was Ian's beautiful Ferrari parked close to the building. He stepped out the car noticing me approaching. He had this gorgeous smile on his face. Damn I just wanted that to be all mine, I thought. He wore a black pyramid T-shirt, true religion jeans and Jordan Bel-Air 5's.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed running down the steps and embracing him in a hug. "Damn, somebody missed me!" he said in a cocky tone. I let go of him and punched him in the arm. "Shut up, what are you doing here?" I repeated, he laughed "I just wanted to see you dang, I can't do that?" he asked still smiling "You can, but your ass should've texted me first." I said pointing my finger to his chest "Blah blah, just get in the car" I rolled my eyes and walked to my side of the car and got in. He got back in the car and started it. I could see everybody around the car staring as we drove away.

"Do you ever go to school Ian?" I asked. "Yeah I just get out early because I only have 3 classes a day" he simply said "Oh, where are we going?" I asked changing the subject. "Somewhere NOSY, just sit back and ride" he said. I knew his smart mouth ass would say something like that. "Ian! Just fucking tell me" I semi-yelled at him "Nope" he said with a small grin on his face. I sighed as loud and as long as I could trying to annoy him, I failed and he just ignored me. I kept sighing and he kept ignoring. Finally he turned the radio up and bobbed his head to the music. I gave up and just looked out the window. I had no idea where we were, but I suddenly became tired and drifted off to sleep.

"Zen! Wake up" I felt Ian gently shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked at the dashboard it was 4:45 so that meant we had been driving for about an hour. I looked out the window at our surroundings I saw a huge park and pond. Since it was a Wednesday it was almost empty. "Are we at a park?" I asked already knowing the answer "Yeah" he answered. He got out the car and I followed him. "Why you bring me here?" I asked not trying to sound rude.

He shrugged "I just like to come here" "Oh" I said. I couldn't lie it was beautiful especially during the summer time. I was glad he brought me here, somewhere simple. Snapping out of my thoughts I noticed Ian was already walking on the trail kind of far off. I didn't hesitate to run full speed towards him and jump on his back. We both fell to the ground laughing "Damn Zen your ass is too heavy for that shit" he chuckled and attempted to get up. I quickly pulled him back down with all the strength I had. "No, sit here with me" This time he didn't fight back I lied back on the grass and looked up at the sky.

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