Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Get the fuck up!" I heard a loud annoying loud voice over my face. "Zen I'm not playing with you get up it's 1:30 and you gotta to be at work at 2!"

My eyes shot open. I looked at the clock. Damn it was 2! How did I manage to sleep till 1:30 in the afternoon?! I ran to the bathroom and did all my hygiene. I was going to be too late. When I was done I but on some ripped skinny jeans a plain white tank to and my black combat boots. "Carmen! You gon give me a ride?" I yelled from upstairs. There was no answer. I ran down the stairs to see a note on the counter that read:

I had to go get some stuff. See you later, love ya. Maybe that boy you were with can take you too work :)

What the hell? She couldn't be doing this to me! I picked up my phone and dialed my jobs number since I was all the way on the other side of town I couldn't risk walking today. It rang 3 times before there was an answer

"Hello Food Giant, how may I help you?" A sweet voice answered "Hey Mrs. Sylvia its Zen."

I spoke into the phone. "Zen sweetheart you're late! I can't keep doing this for you" she whispered through the phone "I know I know Mrs. Sylvia, but I don't have a ride!" I explained. I heard a long sigh. "Zen you haven't been in all week and the man says if he doesn't see your face today you're fired." she whispered more frustrated this time "But-" "I don't have time for all these buts, BUT you better get your BUTT over here in 45 minutes or he'll notice."

By 'he' I knew she was talking about our boss. "Okay Mrs. Sylvia" I sighed in defeat and hung up the phone. How the fuck was I going to get to work in less than an hour? If I walked it would take at least 3 hours, Dawn was at work, Carmen wouldn't be back in Lord knows how long, and there's no bus going this way.

After about 5 minutes of contemplating I decided to take Carmens advice and call Ian. I knew it would seem pushy, but I had no choice. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. The phone rang and rang until I heard a groggy, but sexy voice on the other line. "Hello? and Who the fuck is this calling so early?" he yelled through thephone sending shivers down my back "Ian its Zen and it's 2:30 in the afternoon." i replied in a low tone

"Oh shit foreal?" he sounded surprised "Yeah" there was a shuffling sound then, I'm guessing him getting out of bed. "Ian can I have a favor?" I said getting to the point since I didn't have much time "Depends on what it is sweetheart" he replied. "Can you uhm pick me up and take me to work? Please?" I added hoping I'd sound cute.

"I got you. I'll be there in five minutes" "Thank you so much" I exclaimed in the phone.

Once I reached the car I got in and Thanked Ian once again. "Thank you so much Ian." He just nodded and sped off. "Where do you work?" he asked. I was always ashamed of my job at the grocery store, but at least I had one and that was something that everyone couldn't say. "Food Giant on Toreros Avenue." I admitted. He laughed "You know you should really get a car" I frowned I mean I already knew this "Shut up, I know this I just don't have enough saved yet." I said with a frown "Okay Zen" he continued laughing. I punched him in the arm repeatedly "It's not funny Ian stop!" His laughter finally died down and we stopped at a red light.

He rubbed his right arm "Damn girl that hurt" he chuckled some more "Well you shouldn't have bothered me" I said. The red light turned green and he continued to my job. I looked out the window watching everything pass by. The rest of the ride was quiet no music, no speaking or anything, but it wasn't an awkward silence just a comfortable silence. He pulled in the driveway of my job at exactly 3:14 just in time.

I opened my door and got out the car giving Ian a small wave and walked up to the entrance. Before I got in the door I heard him honk the horn I looked back and lifted my eyebrow "If you need anything else just call" he said after me and for some reason I knew he was right.

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