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» IV «

It is already Friday and I came to school 3 minutes late. Luckily enough, the guards still let me in.
I touched my knees as I gasp for air after driving my bike fast and running towards my classroom.

As I entered the room, students immediately look at me full of curiosity. Luckily enough I came inside the classroom earlier than our adviser. So I headed to my chair and grab Sean's water that rested on his arm's chair. He glared at me and I just gave him a wink. "Love you too bro!"

Then the door of our classroom swung open and I almost spill out the water in my mouth so I just gulped it but in return, I almost choked up. Who the hell would've thought that the president, Bailey Sok, will be late in our class for the first time?!

Everyone was looking at her but no one can murmur as she entered the room. Well, everyone respects her because she's so popular for being a genius and being a sporty and a dancer.
Lucky for her, the teacher is still not her.

Speaking of the devil.

"Good morning class." Then everyone stood up to greet the teacher and then after a short prayer, she let us take our seats. "Bring out your books and immediately answer pages 132 and 135. The book should be collected by the president." I immediately bring my book out and opened it to page 132.
But then, the teacher looked at all of us and immediately asked us about our books. "Who among you forgot about their books. Please stand up. Now!" I was a bit happy because I have my book but then I notice that Bailey, who is sitting in front of me, happens to be a little bit tensed up. Then I notice that she really doesn't have her book with her.
I wanna see her being punished since this will be the very first time that she'll be embarrassed and punished in front of the class but I don't know what have I just done.

I tapped her shoulder and before she could really turn her gaze towards me, I immediately handed her my book and confidently stood up from my chair.

Everyone started to stare at me even the teacher. "Oh Mr. San Jose, I would be really surprised if you even brought any school materials with you here today. Why can't you just be like Bailey Sok?! Always bringing her materials, her books, and notes! I would be even more surprised if she forgot about her book today." Then Bailey looked at me then she stares at the floor. I just gladly smiled at the teacher and said,

"I'm sorry ma'am if I keep on forgetting my stuff. It really feels a little heavy to carry---"

"Let me tell you what Mr. San Jose, get out of the room and stay in a pushup position and don't move if I didn't tell you to move. Get out!" Before I went out, I saw Bailey looked at me again so I gave her a wink and a smile. Then I went outside the room and stayed outside in a pushup position.
Then I heard someone opened the door and Bailey and Sean got out of the room carrying almost 10 books each. I was about to ask them what was all about the books but then our adviser got out and looked at me so I forced myself not to move and face the floor.

"Carrying only 5 books in your back is heavy, isn't it Kenneth? Since you don't want to carry your books then I will punish you something you won't quite forget until you graduate... Now, Bailey and Sean, please place those books on top of him. Whenever a book fell, another book should be added. Since I'll be your teacher for 2 straight hours, then you'll stay in that position for 2 hours. Understood?!" The teacher shouted and I can't even manage to answer. Carrying 20 books at my back for 2 hours? I wish I could really pull this off.

I fell 10 books so the teacher asked the students to borrow 10 more books to be placed on my back. I almost gave up knowing the fact that I'm now carrying 30 books at my back and 2 hours feels like a lifetime.

When the bell rang, I was a bit happy knowing the fact that 2 hours have ended so Gabe and Julian helped me in removing the books at my back while Sean helped me to stood up and stretch my back. It really feels so numb. I really can't feel my back now.

"Hey! You could've just kept your book with you instead of lending it to Bailey. If the teacher could've known that Bailey didn't have her book then the teacher could really spare her life man. Now, look at what had happened to you. Staying in a push-up position with 30 books in your back for 2 hours is too much for your body to handle." Gabe said as he arranged the book and distributed it to everyone in the classroom.

"You're a really stupid man tho. I thought you don't like Bailey? Why are you saving her life?" Julian asked in disbelief as he carried the books to be returned into the library where they borrow it.

I just smiled and answer them, "I'm just bored you know? I just wanna skip class. And besides, I don't wanna get caught sleeping inside her class again." I said and Sean hit my back causing me to shout in pain. "Aahhhhh!!!!! What was that for nerd!!?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing. Just wanna know if your back is almost broken." Then we all just laugh in the chorus as they brought me to the clinic.

I stayed up in the clinic and decided not to attend classes because I'm a bit bored. I was all alone in here because Gabe and Julian have been practicing while Sean attended his next class. I wish I could do something else.

Then I heard the door of the clinic swung open revealing Bailey. "Hey!" She said shyly.

"Hi. What are you doing here? Gonna collect my assignments and projects again? Well, I don't have anything prepared for now. Sorry." I said and look at the ceiling.

"I'm here to tell you that principal Hufflepuff wants to see you and our teacher want to tell you also that you are going to the detention for 2 days."

"Psh. No problem with me. But I just need to rest for a bit. I'm not feeling well." I said and was about to close my eyes when she grabbed a chair and positioned it next to the bed I'm lying down. She sat down and speak.

"I already made you up an excuse letter so you could be excused with your classes." I looked at her with curiosity.

"What? Bailey, is that really you?"

"Yep. This is me. And I just wanna say thank you. About earlier. I'm sorry if you had to sacrifice yourself earlier. It could've me you know."

"Yep, I know."

"But why did you sacrifice yourself? Why didn't you let me get punished?" I looked at her and I can see that she's really curious and want answers.

"Well, you're a top student in our class. Everyone respects you. Everyone adores you. And everyone is expecting so much about you such as not forgetting about your books or something. And if it happens that you were to be punished, then everyone will be so much disappointed and will think lowly of you. While on my part, no one cares whatever happens to me. And no one will be disappointed about me because I'm such a disappointment in the first place. So next time, don't forget about your book."

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