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» XI «

"Oh come on! I can't even understand what you're talking about!  How come that the x turns into something like this? Huh? Are you making fun of me?!" I said angrily. Bailey and I were studying inside the library and its already 8 in the evening and yet, I cannot understand any word she says.

"Argh! This is harder than I thought." She exclaimed as she put her palm on her face and used is a wipe. Then she started to pull off her hair (well, not exactly pull it out. I'm just exaggerating here so don't worry).

"Hey! I should be the one telling that! That's my line, you thief! I should be the one telling that 'this is harder than I thought thing'. And I should be the one frustrated, not you." I said while getting irritated at studying these stupid subjects.

"I should be the one frustrated here, you know why? Because the principal made me your 'SPECIAL TUTOR' and you don't even know a thing! And if it's not because of your goody ugly friends, I shouldn't be threatened by the principal! BECAUSE OF THEM BRINGING ME AND NICOLE INTO A CLUB MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL BEFORE I GRADUATE!!!"

"If my friends are goody ugly as you describe them, why did you and Nicole still went to the club with them? and now you decided to blame them for what is happening to you because you can't accept the fact that it is your mistake for deciding to go with them! Or maybe, you wanted to see me so you decided to hang out with them but it resulted in disappointment because I wasn't there." I said with a smirk and crossed my arms in front of her. I think she's really of the guard today.

"W-well, Nicole was the one who wanted to see you. Not me! So, stop dreaming you brain dead ugly stupid... Argh!" She shouted then stood up and went to a bookshelf a little bit far away from where I was seated. I was starring at her and a smile creeps on my face.

Haha! She really looks so cute when she's annoyed........ Wait for what? What did I just say? Did I mention the word cute?????? Oh! Yeah! I mentioned that I really look so cute when I smile... That's it.

"What are you smiling about? Wanna go to the mental hospital now, huh?"

"People like me don't deserve to go to mental hospitals babe. Cute guys like me should just stay at home and live their lives to the fullest. Get it?" I shot back and then I smirk again making her look more annoyed. She rolled her eyes and then crossed her arms while still standing and looked at me intently.

"Yah! W--why are you staring at me like t-that?! Quit it, will you damn woman!" I said and avoided her gaze. She walks toward her chair and seated back on it while still looking at me. She exhaled as if she holds her breath long enough for her to take that kind of deep exhale.

"I'm giving you, easy questions here Kenneth. Even a grade-schooler can answer those questions! Please help yourself! You know we can't pull this off toge----" I immediately cut her off and made a joke.

"There's no WE, Bailey. Just you and me. Boom!" I said and I laugh so hard that I was tapping the table while my other hand is holding my stomach. "That was... Hahahaha! That was like... Hahahaha!" I continued to laugh so hard until I saw her stood up from her chair and smashed the dictionary on the table and that made me stop laughing.

"What the hell was that? Did you just interrupt me while I'm talking... To you?!" She said angrily.

"I was just...... It wasn't like..... It's just that...... Isn't that hilarious?" I asked her and that question makes her look angrier... Like a devil!

"9 o'clock." She replied.

"What?" I asked because I really can't understand what she's talking about right now. She pointed at the wall clock and it reads 8:45 pm. Then she looked at me and pointed at the math book in front of me.

"If you cannot answer those 10 items with solutions, we'll review overtime here in school. I'll give you punishments every time you don't meet my standards. The timer starts now!" She answered and I was dumbfounded by her words. And when her words finally sink in inside my very very large brain, or I really don't have a brain, I finally got to answer.


"Times running so fast Mr. San Jose. Its either you get punished tomorrow or today. Now answer!"

I immediately grab the math book in front of me and tried anything that is a possible solution and tried to analyze everything until----

"Time's up." Bailey immediately grab the math book and checked my answers. "I was really expecting this." She said.

"Haha! See? I told you I'm better than you the-----" She left all of her carried book on the table and purposely made a noise so that I can't continue what I am saying.

"Review these books. Tomorrow, we will continue our maths session. I want to see some improvements tomorrow, or else you're a lump of dead meat."

Then Bailey immediately grabs her back as soon as she packed her things.  "Punishment, tomorrow. Overtime until you get the correct answer." She said as she started walking away from where I was standing.

"What?! How many correct answers did I get."

"Zero." Then she purposely closed the light of the library and I shouted in annoyance. And in horror!

"Waaaahhhh! Wait for me! I can't see!" Then I heard her laughing from outside. Aish! That woman!


When I got home, mom scolded me for not texting or calling her that I'll be late to come home from school. She said that I really made her worried and she almost had a heart attack. And was able to call the police right just before I arrived home.

I immediately apologize and then went into my room.

"You're not hungry?" Mom asked when she noticed that I didn't walk towards the table and eat my dinner.

"I think, I need to study for now mom," I answered with no clue of interest or energy at all. Mom looks so dumbfounded at what I said which made me worried immediately.
"Mom, what is it? Are you alright?" I asked and she shook her head and then looked at me and said.

"Well, this is the first time that you said you wanted to study and not eat your dinner... I should be the one asking you that now honey. Are you all alright? Is something bothering you at school? You're not being bullied or pushed by someone to do something, right?" Mom asked and I looked at her with tired eyes.

"Mom, don't bother. I'm fine. No one bothering me at school, I'm not being bullied and no one pushing me to do some things. You know me. So, good night mom. You should go to sleep and I'll just study. I will eat the food you cook I have time. Good night mom. Love ya!" I said and went upstairs. As long as I shut the door of my room closed, I inhaled and exhaled then closed my eyes.

"Mom, I'm not alright. Principal Hufflepuff and Bailey Sok are bothering me at school starting today. My friends bully me because they thought I'm dating Kaycee. And they've been pushing me to do a lot of things! I wish I could pause my life today and have a nice sleep..."

I looked at my books.

"Time to study."

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