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» XIV «

Its Wednesday morning and here we are, having our P.E class and waiting for our turn to play basketball. 2 hours of playing is a bit exciting.

Just like yesterday, before classes has started, as soon as I handed my written essay to Bailey, everyone started to look at me, even Julian, Gabe, and Sean who can't even believe that I have a written assignment. Just as Bailey was about to place those written papers on the table before the teacher arrives, everyone started to check my paper and keep on repeating and insisting that I copied it somewhere like the internet. They even used a app where it can determine if the article I've wrote is plagiarized or copied on the internet but they got nothing.

They're not even satisfied with the it so they started to pass it on and on until it looked like a tissue paper. Crumpled and almost ripped into pieces. Before anything bad could happen to my paper, the teacher immediately entered the room so everyone went back to their places and we all greeted the teacher.

As soon as the teacher collected the papers, she spoke. "Since its P.E day, I want everyone to go to the basketball field and make a group, by five. Girls should pair with girls and boys to boys. Now stand up and immediately go to the court."

"Why are we going back to basket balling again sir? Aren't we going to focus to another sport?" Nicole asked and the teacher looked at Nicole and answered her question.

"The coach of the basketball team is in need of players to train because someone injured himself during their practice and couldn't make it to the game so he need a substitute. No more question. Now go!"

So, here we are, in the basketball field and doing some shoots and throws and a lot of dribbling and passing.
Gabe, Julian, Sean, Sheadan, and I teamed up. And after a minute has ended, it was our turn to play with another opponent. Were all given a minute to play basketball and whoever got the highest score will have a higher grade in P.E. And in that one minute, someone might got picked by the basketball coach. And I wish its not me.

When the referee whistles and tossed the ball, I reached for the ball and hit it towards Gabe's position. Then Gabe immediately dribbles the ball and then passed to Julian, then Julian swiftly passed it to Sheadan then he tried to score but before it bounces out of the rig, I jumped and made a rebound.
And the first two points was given to my team.

When the time is up, the score is already 10-6. And that means, my team won the game.

After that, the other teams played and we rested. But I immediately excused myself to go and get my water in the room because I left it there. I was about to run when the basketball coach called my name.

"Mr. Kenneth San Jose!" I look around and I saw him standing on the bench. He ordered me to go near to him so I ran towards him and face him.

"What is it sir?" I immediately asked because I'm really thirsty and I need to drink now.

"You're in." He said. It made me curious because I really didn't understand what he's saying.

"Sir?" I responded.

"You're in." He said and threw something on me. And when I raised it up, I was a bit dumbfounded at what I am seeing and processing what the basketball coach has said to me.

"Practice starts on monday at 7 in the morning and ends at 4. Meaning, you all could go home earlier and you don't need to join the flag retreat anymore. See you next week Mr. Taylor." He was about to turn his back on me when I called him out making him stop from doing something.

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