Harley Quinn x Shy! Fem! reader

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I walked through the dark and mysteriously silent streets of Gotham, making my way home using the back roads. I knew it wasn't the brightest idea, but I just wanted to avoid as many people as possible.

As I was walking, I heard a loud thump on the fire escape above my head. I jumped slightly and ran to hide behind a dumpster.

Even though my heart was thumping profusely in my ears, I could hear the light and peppy footsteps hit the gravel of the alleyway ground. I kept my existence unknown to the stranger, by controlling my breathing pattern, for I knew not who they were.

"Oh, Kitten, I know you're here!" The stranger sang happily as they knocked over trash cans and boxes.

From what I could see, the stranger was female, carried a bat with colorful words to match her colorful pig tails and outfit.

Fear and trepidation coursed though my veins as I saw the woman walk towards my direction. A part of me was hoping that she was looking for an actual kitten and NOT me, but what she did next proved my theory incorrect.

She pushed the dumpster that was in front of me away and stood before me with her hands her hips, poking her lower lip out in a mock pouty face.

"Aww, is my Kitten hiding from me? That's not nice of you, hun." She told me as she cocked her head to the side.

I whimpered as she grabbed my trembling coilded up hands and pulled me up to her eye level, gave me a stern nod and started to walk off, dragging me along with her. I wanted to say something, I really did, but I couldn't seem to put the words together, out of the 171,416 words in the goddamn English language, I couldn't for the four I wanted to say.

"Please let me go" I said in a barely audible voice, I was surprised that she heard me.

I knew she did, because as soon as I finished my statement, her peppy little footsteps skidded to a stop. She turned around with an annoyed glare in her eyes, grabbed her bat and pushed it under my chin, making her look straight into my soul.

"You listen here, [Y/N] I am NEVER letting you leave me, you are not going ANYWHERE, I have been waiting for too long to have you, you are MINE, do you understand me?" She proclaimed as she gripped my hand tightly.

I just nodded with wide eyes as she closed hers to calm herself down, apparently I have been stalked. I oddly don't remember feeling watched, like ever. She sighed and began to speak again.

"Don't speak until we get home." She grumbled and started dragging me once more.

Hai guys! Charmie here, I was just wondering if you liked the story? Do ya want a part two? Do you want a different one shot? Let me know!
Mkay bai my Lil Monsters!❤]

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