Part 2

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    16-Year-old Marvella Magnus  stood alone in her bedroom  on the top floor of the apartment.  She lived with Mathew marsh, Molly Marsh, and her 11-year-old cousin Marea Magnus.  Mathew was Marvella's godfather, and Molly was Mathew's mother. Mathew and Molly had lied to Marvella for eleven years, but five years ago, she learned the truth and everything changed for the better.
    Marvella remembered the night   five years ago when the owls brought her the exceptance letter to Hogwarts- school of witchcraft and  wizardry. Twenty minutes later, another owl had flown in with a letter from Proffessor Willard-  headmaster of Hogwarts asking if he could pay her a visit before start of term.

    True to his word, Proffessor Willard, a tall, thin, young man with ice-white hair and brilliant blue eyes that knew all, paid his visit on the shabby muggle apartments in London.
    Molly protested; not wanting Marvella to know the truth, but Mathew called her off  saying, "It's time mother. You cannot keep the truth from them anymore.";  As if Molly, who was a powerless muggle, could stop Proffessor Willard from telling marvella who she truly was. Mathew knew this day would come, sooner or later, and he was  wise enough not to let his mother cause a sceen.
     With Willard's visit, Molly's lies were addressed and the truth uncovered. Marvella learned that everything she'd been told about her birth and even her last name, was a lie. The only small truth was that Marea was her first cousin by blood. Marvella learned that Molly and Mathew were not her blood relatives at all, and that they were only muggles. She learn that Marea's parents hadn't abandoned her, but that they splinched themselves while aparating; leaving part of themselves behind and dying due to the loss of blood. Marvella also learned of her own parents, and their tragic deaths when she was only five months old.
     Marvella's father, Simion Magnus,  had been a pure-blood Slytherin, and her mother, Lavina Magnus, had been a pure-blood Ravenclaw. Simion and Lavina were fresh from their days at Hogwarts, and starting on their paths as aurrors whe Lavina gave birth to Marvella. Soon after Marvella's birth, rumors of a dark wizard, or _wizards killing any who stood in their way started circulating in London. There were no photographs or descriptions of the dark wizards, only the bodies  of muggle-born witches, and wizards; and loads of muggles that were found.
     There was a tip-off from an anonymous, so  you can and Lavina  decided to take their chances.
     One quiet  summer night, Simion and Lavina set out to apprehend the criminals without telling anyone, for fear that the dark wizards might have spies undercover. Simion and Lavina's bodies were found the next morning in an alleyway. Their cause of death was ... the unforgivable avada-kedavra curse. There were  no suspicious activities  and the rumors of dark wizards seased just after their deaths.
     Marvella stared out her bedroom window. The sun was setting over London. The sky was painted a beautiful shade of pink. It was almost dark, and the stars would soon appear.
     Marvella turned from the window and looked arround her bedroom. There were only a few things that made the room slightly out of the ordinary.
  There were her schoolbooks filled with spells, potion ingredients, and other important, but very interesting things for the subjects Marvella chose to take in her sixth year. There were also the books Marvella bought in Knockturn Alley  four days earlier  filled with advanced dark magic;  advanced very powerful jinxes,  hexes, and curses; potions; dark complex potions that would make others throw the books and have nightmares about them for months.
    A long, black wand lay on a small table beside the bed. Marvella could not use it--not here. She was not of age until she turned seventeen, therefore she could not use magic outside of school without alerting the ministry of magic.  Then they would know who she was, what spell she cast, and her exact location.
     Marvella sat on the edge of her bed; restless and irritated. She didn't like the summer months when she was stuck here with these muggles, and her squib cousin, unable to preform magic without the ministry detecting it. Although she'd found Hogwarts and some of her power, there was still that restlessness inside. She felt as though she hadn't truly unlocked her full potential. She felt as if something were inside of her, desperate to be freed. The feeling of despair and the  longing to find her purpose settled more  on Marvella during the summer months when she was stuck  here; away from magic and away from Aloysius.  Marvella hated being forced to stay here in this muggle house, with muggles, and a squib. She was a pure-blood Slytherin. She was ashamed to live with these muggles, but no one understood that anymore ... no one except Aloysius,  who  shed the light on the matter on their first train ride to Hogwarts. There wern't many pure-blood wizards left in the world;  Marvella Magnus and Aloysius Malfoy's being the only two pure-blood lines left in England. Marvella, Aloysius,  and his great grandfather Lucius  were the only three proud, pure-blood supremacists since the second wizarding war.    Lucius had lived through, and even participated in the war on the side of the dark lord.
    Marea was a pure-blood as well,   but she was a _squib- a person born into a magical family unfortunate enough to never possess any power.

     Marvella was  alone. She and Aloysius would always be alone.  Even if they wern't pure-blood  supremacists  they would still  be alone. They were both wonderers of darkness, and it was them against the world, but they prefered it this way.
    Marvella heard small footsteps outside the door. She  looked out the window. It was compleetly dark now. She looked at the old clock; the only muggle item in the room. The time was, 11-45. What was Marea doing up at this hour? Why was she coming to Marvella's room?  
    There was a small knock on the door.
      The door opened, and Marea stepped in;  closing it behind her.
    Until the age of ten, marvella had been closer with Marea  than most sisters. Now they were nothing. Marvella pushed the wailing sadness down, and the   tears behind her eyes where they would never show; covering them with a cold, cruel, mask.
     Marea was tall for an 11-year-old, with long, very dark hair, and very dark eyes--like Marvella's, but unlike Marvella's wild, untamable wavy, hair, Marea's fell perfectly streight.  Marvella and Marea were similar in appearance, but not in character. Marea was fun, wild, and a realest, whereas Marvella was dark, quiet, reclusive, and very mature for her age, but she was in no way shallow or narro-minded. They were two girls, alike in appearance, but not at all in nature.
     Marea stood there, not at all herself. She wasn't the fun-loving, ougoing girl with the attitude arround Marvella.  She just looked hopeless and hurt; knowing that she could never reach Marvella; knowing they would never stay up late at night talking, giggling,  and  sharring memories and secrets like sisters again.
    "What do you want,  Marea?" Marvella asked, firmly, keeping her tone cold.
    "Nothing...I just, erm, I..."; Marea sat down on the bed, close to the small table, and the wand. There was a few-second's pause, then  Marea said, in a voice that suggested tears would come soon, "I want to go with you!!"
    "If you havn't gotten  the letter by now, you won't get one. Tomorrow is the start of term. You're a squib, Marea. You were born into a magical family, but have no magic ... it's  worse than being a _muggle."
    "I want to go with you! I want to have magic and but a witch like you!" Marea reached for Marvella's wand. Marvella jumped up, and snatched it away from her cousin.
     "_Don't touch my wand, you filthy squib! You're a disgrace to our--_my family!"
     "Marvella, _please," marea wrapped her arms  arround Marvella and buried her face in Marvella's shirt.
    _No. Marvella couldn't be atatched to a squib. She would have to push her away. Marea couldn't belong in the wizarding world, and Marvella could not belong in the muggle world where Marea was so popular and loved. She couldn't let Marea be the dirt on her shoes that she tracked everywhere. It broke her heart, but she  wd have to push her only friend in the muggle world, away.
     Marvella had to hand it to Marea  she was brave. No one in their right mind would've dared hug Marvella. Marea would've been a gryffendor, if she wern't a squib.
     Marvella, wand still in hand, pushed Marea away, and stepped back.
    "No, I'm sorry, Marea, but I cannot have ties here. I can't associate with muggles and squibs."; Marvella said, her voice nearly betraying her pain. 
    The words hurt marvella on the way out, and that hurt was reflected in Marea's eyes.
Marea's eyes widened and she turned from marvella; running out of the room, and closing the door behind her.
    Marea's cry broke the quiet of the apartment. Marvella heard Marea crying all the way downstairs to Molly Marsh, whom she still saw as her grandma.
     Miss Marsh saw Marea's tears, but Marvella would never let anyone see hers. Miss Marsh saw Marea's tears, but no one saw Marvella's, for no one ever sees the tears of the one who hurts the most until it is far too late; until that one is too far gone to save; even now, marvella would never allow herself to be saved. She could never be excepted  by  light, she could only be excepted into darkness.

      Marvella lay under a thin cover, in the dark, staring up towards  the ceiling.
_I _Am _Going _Back _To _Hogwarts _Tomorrow!
Excitement made her heart race. Could she even sleep now, with the excitement of going back to Hogwoarts ... of seeing Aloysius?  Tomorrow was the start of a new adventure. Marvella rolled onto her side. Tomorrow, she could leave all of this ... all of _them behind. In the dayly rush of her life at hogwarts, she could forget about them. November thirtieth would  come and   Marvella would turn seventeen. She would then be of age, and she would never come back here. She would be off to live in the large mannor house she'd inherited from her parents.  Happiness came to her with the thought of that, along with an unwanted sadness.
     Marvella drifted off to sleep; not knowing the thrill and excitement that the very near future held for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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