Chapter 5

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter that all goes to the great J.K. Rowling, I'm just messsing up her world. ;)

Chapter 5

               It had been two days since my shopping trip with Nymph and Dromeda and today I was going to Hogwarts, I would have a day to settle in then I would start school with everyone else on Monday. Nymph and Dromeda would stay long enough to make sure I would be okay and then tonight I would be sorted into my Hogwarts’ house. Nymph had told me about all the house, even though I knew which one I belonged in, there was Ravenclaw for the smart, Slytherin for the cunning, Gryffindor for the brave, and Nymph’s personal favorite Hufflepuff for the loyal. I was finishing packing when Dromeda entered my temporary room

“Does it matter what house I’m in?” she took a slow deep breath            

                “I will love you anyways but, Bellatrix and Voldemort might care more as long as you’re not in Gryffindor I think they will be happy.” I sat down and put my head in my hands sighing, I was nervous what if they hated me for not being in Slytherin personally I wanted to be in Ravenclaw.

“Did my parents love me?” She looked at me confused

“I never knew how Bellatrix or…” I cut her off shaking my head

“No, my biological parents” Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open I felt ashamed

“Never mind it doesn’t matter” I started to walk away when a hand on my arm stopped me

“I didn’t think you cared about your parents.” I shrugged, I knew people would think that just because I called Bellatrix and Tom my mom and dad. I was quite young when the first war went happened, I didn’t want to die but I lost more than one parent on that fateful night I lost three. Mom never truly understood why I cried for their deaths and, I couldn’t explain it either. 

“I just didn’t want to die.” Was all I said before I exited the room and walked down the stairs past Dromeda’s husband who was watching me cautiously and outside. Nymph had shown me a place she used to play as a child and get away as a teenager, it was in the woods just a small clearing where a muggle’s swing was tied to a tree branch. It was truly peaceful here and I sat down on the swing before letting my emotion’s take over I could feel my hair turn blue as tears streamed from my eyes. Everyone would either be afraid of me or hate me, Ted never said anything but I saw the way he looked at me like I was going to blow up on him for being a muggleborn.

 “Why do you keep trying?” I looked up to see ted standing across the clearing

“What do you mean?” He scoffed and shook his head

“You don’t belong here, and you know it.” He turned to walk away, what he said caused me pain I wasn’t a terrible person.

“I don’t hate you. Neither would my father.” He stopped and looked at me confused “Mom and the other deatheaters only liked purebloods, but Dad and I believed that if you had magical blood you were just as good as us.” Ted walked away but this time he wasn’t mad, no this time he had some serious thinking to do. I stayed out in the wood for another 30 minutes before making my way back towards the house. Nymph was now at the house and we grabbed my stuff before apparating to Hogsmeade and making our way up to the castle where my only living biological family lived. Not that I would ever admit it out loud, but I was so nervous. I had never really been around teenagers let alone kids my own age and I didn’t know how to act. Nymph stopped and grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop as well

“Kat, we will protect you no matter what happens, I’m on your side.” I stared at her in shock how did she know, I perfected occlumency when I was seven years old. She laughed and pointed towards my hair I grabbed a handful and saw that is was a dark yellow and sighed

“I really need to control that better.” I smiled sheepishly before focusing and turning my hair to the dark autumn red color that I have had since birth, then made it grow longer and fall into ringlets down to the middle of my back. I opened my eyes again I never changed my eye color I liked the green eyes I had and never had a reason to change it. We were at the castle entrance before I was ready and not long after that Nymph and I entered the doors to the grand hall where every eye was on me. I took a deep breath and walked right down the middle of the hall to where a witch was standing with a smile on her face. I saw Dumbledore behind her stand and welcome me to the school and announcing my name.

“Katherine Lee Potter” Faces of shock stared at me as I sat down on the 3-legged stool and looked to where Nymph was standing at the back of the hall. I saw the golden trio sitting together at one of the tables and they waved to Nymph which made me a little mad Nymph was my friend. Shaking the thoughts away when the hat was placed on my head I heard a voice inside my head speak ‘curious you are a potter but you are very different from your parents and brother’ I could feel the hat poking around in my head and I made sure to hide what memories were for my eyes only. The hat grunted at being locked out ‘very skilled aren’t you, Kat, I think I will place you in


It’s now around midnight and I am still up staring out the window of my new room. I only had to share with two other girls, and the room was very roomy. I was too scared to go to bed scared I would wake up in nightmares again and I can’t handle that here without Nymph or Dromeda. After standing around for several hours I had to get out of this room I walked down the stairs and out the common room. As I roamed the empty hallways I hoped that at three in the morning no one would still be patrolling that was ruined when I turned a corner and found myself face to face with Severus Snape.

“Katherine Potter. Is that what you go by now?” I scowled at him; I never trusted Severus. I tried walking past him only to be stopped by his hand “You are forgetting that I am your teacher and you can’t just walk away from me.” I smirked and pulled my arm from his grip

“And you are forgetting that I am the Dark Lord’s daughter his pride and joy. Also I probably know just as many if not more spells as you and could beat you in duel at any time and not feel upset about it at all.” While I was talking to him I had kept taking steps closer to him and closer to him till he was against the wall. I then smiled innocently and skipped away in a childlike manner just like mother would have done.

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