Chapter 1- Oops!

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"Damian get your hair out of my face!" Dick complained to the 11 year old robin in his lap.

"Stop your whining Grayson. Its not going to kill you." Damian retorted, not moving an inch.

"Well...You could suffocate him." Jason said from where he stood in the cave, arms crossed over his suit as he watched Tim finish some final tweaks on his new invention. Dick pushed Damian off him onto the floor. He ignored the death threat he received from his youngest brother and looked curiously at the small handheld metal box Tim was working on. "So...what is this thing suppose to do?"

"its suppose to help us communicate more efficiently on patrols." Tim answered, not taking his focus off what he was doing.
"What we have now works perfectly fine." Damian argued, happy to disapprove of anything Tim made.

Tim rolled his eyes, "Last patrol we lost contact with Bruce. Face it, its faulty and we need a new system. This will work a lot better for us once I get it running."

"If you get it running," Damian smirked.

Tim sighed and finished wiring the last couple of things.
"Finished!" He chimed.

" does it work" Dick asked, confused on how the small device would help them better communicate.

"Oh right, I forgot." Time handed each of his brothers a small earpiece which, once placed correctly, is hardly noticeable.

Once the boys each had the ear piece in, Tim grabbed the device. "Ill just turn this on...Then we can go out to test it."

He pressed the button to turn it on, but what happened was something no one expected...


Robin, Wally, Artemis, M'gann, Kaldur, and Conner were all at Mount Justice in the mission room, recieving a mission from Batman. As they were listening, a thud could be heard coming from the lounge area, followed by the intruder alarm. The team rushed off towards the lounge, stopping short from what they saw.

Four guys laid on the floor. One was in a robin suit (Which confused robin) with a green mask, he looked to be around the age of 11 and had black hair. Another laid on the poor boy, a man who looked around the age of 20 and wore a skintight black suit. It had a blue v-shaped symbol across the chest that went down his arms, he also wore a black mask. To the left of them were the other two. One wore a black and red suit with a golden symbol on his chest, a black cape, and a black cowl that had a bird-like appearance. The other wore a red helmet, a gray armored suit with a red symbol on it, and a brown leather jacket.

Jason sat up with a groan, "What happened?..."

Damian shoved Dick off of him and glared at Tim "Im gonna kill you Drake.."

Dick sat up, rubbing his head, "No killing each other."

He looked around at the strangely familiar surroundings, puzzled. He finally noticed the group of teens standing shocked in the kitchen and cursed, "We went back in time.."

Jason glared at Tim from behind his helmet, "How the hell did you screw up a simple communicator and make it into a fucking time machine!"

"Easily, its Drake." Damian mumbled as he stood, noticing the team staring at them. Upon instinct, he pulled out a bird-a-rang and threw it, narrowly missing Conner.

"Damian use your words!" Dick scolded. Conner glared at Damian and charged at him. Before he could hit Damian, the kid dodged his punch and bit down hard onto Conner's arm.

He hissed in pain, "You brat!" He slammed Damian into the wall, making him let go and fall, unconscious, to the floor.

"Hey! You leave my brother alone!" Jason yelled and charged at Conner, hitting him over the head with the barrel of his gun. Unknown to him, Robin had sneaked behind him, tasering him. Jason crumpled down to the ground.

Dick growled and ran at his younger self with his escrima sticks. Robin ducked under his swing and tasered him also, Dick falling down beside Jason.

Tim, now standing, looked at his fallen brothers and raised his arms up slowly, "I surrender, I wont fight."

Wally ran up and snatched robins taser, "Then you wont mind me doing this!"

He went up and tasered Tim, causing him to fall down like his brothers had.

"Really Wally? He surrendered!" Artemis scolded.

Wally shrugged "It was fun."

Robin snatched his taser back as Kaldur and M'gann handcuffed the brothers hands. Conner pushed himself up and glared at the unconscious Jason.

"Lets take them to the cells to question the once they wake up." Kaldur suggested and the team agreed, dragging the brothers to the cells.

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