The Wake Up Call

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The cotton candy unicorn was flying away from me or wait?

"AHHHHHHHHH I'M GONNA FALL!" I was screaming for help but I ended up falling on a giant marshmallow. Wait how did I manage to fall and not get hurt? Now I'm confused.Oh well of to find the candy..... "Da dun da dun" I sang in a sing songy voice.

"Zara.....Zara"chanting began from every side of the chocolate factory.


"Zara! Get up were gonna be late!" The voice continued.Late?Oh for the tour of the factory, I'm hoping to sit next to Charlie, or Agustas. Skipping towards the pink and blue caboose everything went fuzzy and all of a sudden I found myself encased in darkness.

"Zara!" The familiar croaky voice called. Hanaa? My eyes ripped themselves open and I saw a very frustrated looking Hanaa looking down at me.

"Morning, what time is it" yawning I scratched my head in a haste causing it to hurt.

"4:37 am!" She has got to be kidding Me. I'm not singing the little mermaid to her. Again.

"Zara you promised you would start praying with me, c'mon the hospital has a really nice segregated prayer room" though I couldn't really see her, I could tell she had her puppy dog eyes on.

"Okay okay, I'm coming" I sighed I knew from Hanaa 's voice that it was sore and she didn't have much energy left in her.She helped me up and we tightened our matching robes as a chilly breeze whipped past us.

My back was much better now and I could finally walk straight, Hanaa on the other hand, she still had her mini hunchback-like-figure.

As we childishly avoided the cracks on the tiles, I noticed a little purplish mark on Hanaa 's neck. Her thin jet black hair did a lousy job hiding it. Come to think of it Hanaa always had her hair to one side.

"Hey Han, whats that?" I asked pointing to the infinity shaped Mark poisoning the rest of her pale skin.

"Hmmm.... what this, oh it's, well I-were here"the curiosity burned inside me but it would have to wait.

I abruptly stopped in front of the wall which hung a cheap looking paper sign saying "Ladies Prayer room" pointing left. My eyes travelled down the hall to a set of large oak doors embroidered with gold. What really caught my eye was the large crescent moon and star shining out the rest of the detail. Laden with a beautiful blue and silver outline, I could just imagine that on a necklace.... hmmm.

As we entered, the smell of perfume and cleaning products hit me.This must be the wudhu area, what! I have been to a mosque before. I silently followed Hanaa past a tiled wall and turned in to a large carpeted hall. Woooooow don't judge a prayer room by its sign. The chandelier was huge complemented with a borderline of what I assumed was Arabic, the carpet all facing diagonal in blue and yellow. In the corners were mini book shelfs home to neatly stacked Quraans, necklace looking things and some x shaped wood things.

"C'mon let's go ask Dr Amina and Dr Lazfa to help us do wudhu" I nodded still in awe.

As we approached the two humble muslimahs, I noticed there were no guys here, there was hardly anyone here.

"Han I think we're too early" I whispered, not wanting to disturb the few scattered civilians.

Hanaa looked up to the grandfather clock and shook her head"nope I'd say we're perfectly early right Dr's?"

Dr Amina smiled somewhat uncomfortably but wouldn't meet my eyes, after blurting out a quick excuse about needing the little meds room, she dashed away, well as fast as you can run without getting carpet burn.She looked vaguely familiar.

"Yeah.... okay who's ready to do Wudhu"Dr Lazfa asked enthusiastically. The three of us walked back to the wudhu area, to see it more occupied than Before. We squeezed our way into a large podium opposite a running tap, it was like I was sitting in a sink.

Hanaa and Dr Lazfa each started unpinning their headscarves making me feel somewhat left out. I could never pull it off, not after Ahmed.

I cleared my mind of any dirty thoughts as I started mimicking the two. The water felt refreshing and cool and brought back my nostalgic side. My grandad would make me help him do wudhu.

When we finished we headed back to the hall when a loud sound echo around much like the mystery voice I heard the other day.The azaan.Dr Lazfa told me to stand since my back was better but Hanaa had to sit on a stool to support herself.

By now the hall was almost full and women of every colour, race and background all stood together equal in God's eyes. Shoulder to shoulder. It's one of the thing I loved about this religion and standing their made me feel ashamed of what I had become. I was ready for a change.

Hearing the voice say "Allah ho akbar" we all raised our hand up and began our one-to-one with the Almighty.

° ° ° ° ° °

Authors Note~


Good day my fellow readers, I hope you guys appreciate that I have really important exams in less than 4 days and I squished this update in :)

any who our little Zara is changing..... Hmmm? And what do you think about Dr Amina??? Fishy or Fresh?

LOOOOL did I actually just say that :3 anyways you know the procedure, don't be a Ghost, comment, vote and share this please,

Waslam x


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