Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my Bestest Friends, Mallie, who encouraged me to update. here ya go gurlie~

(Victoria's POV)

The line of SUVs dropped me and the rest of 1D off at their mansion. It was pretty big and had this awesome pool and stuff. 'Guess it's time to go unpack...'

Before I could open the door Perrie opened it an hugged me. I let out a pretty loud squeal in surprise, most of my bags went tumbling down the stairs and my antique suitcase popped open releasing my bras, panties, shorts, and tank tops. Perrie quickly let me down and started to help me grab my clothes while the boys stared.

"Oh my God, Victoria I am so~ sorry!" Perrie repeated as we picked up my clothes.

Zayn picked up one of my bras and commented, "Damn, Perrs I don't think your tops are going to fit Ms. 32D over here."

I instantly turned red and snatched my bra from Zayn while the other boys tried to find a new bra to confirm size. Boys will be immature boys I guess.

After the clothing fiasco I made my way up to my new room which was at least 2x bigger than my old room. After staring in awe and figuring out the doors I started to put away my clothing.

About 45 minutes later a soft knock was placed upon my door. I yelled "Come in!" out of habit and waited to see who wanted me. The door opened to reveal Harry and Louis.

"Perrie wanted to know if you had any allergies before she started on dinner." Harry said somewhat sheepishly.

"Not that I know of." I said absentmindedly as I ran through my head about any foods mom avoided.

"Okay then. I'll let her know." And with that Harry walked out of the room.

I just stared at his back. 'That was kinda rude. I mean I know I'm the result of an affair but he could at least not treat me as an undisirable.'

I apparently made a face because Louis spoke up. "I promise Harry's not normally this rude. He just never knew about you and he isn't sure what to do."

I stared at Louis for a few seconds before I looked away and asked, "How do you know? Like for sure he's just nervous. Cause I'm nervous too but I feel he just doesn't want me around."

I felt the bed sink before the hand on my shoulder appeared. Louis spoke when I wouldn't look at him. "I know Harry. He's my best mate, and I know how nerves get to him. Plus, how would you feel if you got a letter in the mail explaining everything about some stranger that you're related to. He's upset with your dad, I promise he has nothing against you." He gave my shoulder a small squeeze and stood up before Niall came to my open doorway and told us dinner was ready.

I could smell dinner, and my stomach growled almost instantly. The three of us laughed and Niall said, "Its a good thing it's done."

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