Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Jake" I hear my mother whisper so quietly I almost miss it, "get down slowly, and stay down" I obey, I slowly unbuckle my seat belt and sink to the floor of the car, the space was so small for me to curl into, but I manage.

"mum, dad, what's doing on?" I ask trying to keep quiet and craning my neck to see dads, now expressionless, face.

"Jake, it's ok, I promise you, you will be fine, just stay down and out of sight, and when I say so run, and don't stop until you feel he has stopped following you"

"But how will I kn-"

"you just will!" he almost shouts. cutting me off.

"he's coming Mike, oh go-" my mothers whisper of shear terror is cut of, by two loud roars of thunder and smashing glass, thunder without a flash, glass goes everywhere, it continues to rain, rain splashes against me, the loud thundering rain, I listen hard,, nothing but I feel the dark presence coming closer.


I sit up and grab for the car door, and leap out running off the road, hearing another short roar of thunder go past my ear as I jump over the fence, and run, run away from dads empty promise, run, run away from the darkness that has destroyed my world, my life, my parents. I run, and I don't stop, the darkness just keeps coming.

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