Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It took us about 3 hours to reach London Bridge, we had to park the car a couple of blocks away from the bridge, we walked to the bridge in silence. Just taking in the moment, wondering, what will happen next? Will my mother be here? or will there be more clues? Why now? Why did she leave me? do I hate her? No. I don't hate her, there must be a good reason why she did it, there must be. There has to be. We walked to the middle of the bridge, and waited, looked out from the bridge to the city, people driving to and fro, always busy, tourists, the only people who can see the beauty and the ugliness of London. That's what you get if you look through new eyes.

“Hello, Verity” said a voice, from the past so distant I almost didn’t hear the familiarity of it.

I turn and I see a startling reflection of myself, but older, she doesn’t look like she has aged a bit. She stands there tears in her bright green eyes. A moment passes, I wonder if I should just run away, leave her far behind so she couldn’t hurt me or Aunt Eliza again. But then, without any control of myself I take two steps towards her and I am suddenly in her strong reassuring embrace. I hear a cry of joy; I look over to see Aunt Eliza running towards her long lost, presumed dead, twin sister. Her eyes are now bright violet; no sorrow, no bland colourless sorrow, just pure bright happiness. I realise I am crying, crying tears of joy, I am bubbling with such happiness I nearly scream out, but I contained myself.

The moment suddenly finished, like all great moments do, and when mother pulls away her face is filled with a mixture of guilt and happiness, still with her hands on my shoulders, she looks at Aunt Eliza and then back at me.

“I’m sorry it took so long for me to show my face” she whispered her voice thick with emotion. “I need your help now though.’

I look to mother, then to Aunt Eliza, who seemed to understand what was going on, then back to mother again blinking twice in utter confusion. Mother seemed to pick it up.

“Your father is alive, but missing”

My heart stopped. father? still alive? I was there, I heard his last breath escape him, I heard him whisper my name and my mothers. I felt his skin go cold as he held me while I was watching Looney Tunes on mute. I hear mother continue her voice sounded distant.

“He has been taken, and I need help to bring him back.” She said, with hopeful eyes searching both our faces for an answer.

“We will help.” Says Aunt Eliza, speaking for me, I nod in appreciation and in confirmation of her words.

Mother turns fully towards me, straight into my eyes, she had to raise her head ever so slightly.

“You haven’t spoken at all since I was here” she said with concern, “are you alright Ver?”

The nickname Ver, wow, that in itself was a blast from the past. I look up back to her, full in the eyes, drawing in the moment.

“I have missed you so much” I said trying not to let my voice shake, “So many questions, but for later, we must find father, for time is our enemy”

Mother smiled.

“Words of wisdom for one so young,” she said “but she has a point. The clue they left leads us to Australia.” She paused and looked at both of us.

“Ready to go hunting?” she said.

“Ready as ever” Aunt Eliza and I say in unison, which is followed by a contagious fit of giggles as we walked briskly to the car.

I walk between the only two women I have ever loved and cherished in my life, one left early, for a reason I am scared to ask for, and the other, brought me up for the six years I was parentless. I always wanted some adventure in my life even though I was fine with what I had. Now my mother has suspiciously appeared out of the bloom, searching for my father? It didn’t seem right, but I was willing to tag along to find out the precious secrets of my parents. A treasure worth fighting for, is something you might already have, you just need to find it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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