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The most magical time for children is their youth. Their small trickling in of life that comes onto them as time gathers deep inside of them, the minds ever quickly opening up to the world. Deep inside them, they will always remember those times. And birthdays are the most magical of all of those events - the time celebrated for just being you, with all attention on you and only you. Or, at least, that was how the small Kassy Barren and her brother, James, viewed it as.

It was Kassy's sixth birthday. She beamed with joy as she walked into the house where the multitude of people greeted her with many smiles and laughter. Presents piled up on the table and a giant frosted cake of a glass slipper was the main attraction of the party as it decorated the room. Even the seven year old boy felt some envy leak into him as he watched his sisters party from within the crowd.

Kassy ran off with a group of her friends, who tugged intently at her sleeve before she finally turned around to play with them. James went off with a group of his friends as soon as one of the relatives looked in his general direction. To sum it all up, it was a party Barbara Barren, the children’s mother, was quite proud of. It was one of her most stress free parties. She found it flowed together, like everything had been more pre-planned - a perfect plan she didn’t want to disrupt with how things were going.

“Barbara,” a woman a called. She held an empty, clear, plastic bag. “Can you go get some more plates. The kids all love this cake!”

The woman agreed with a pleased smile. However, her shriek could be heard from the small dining room that they had used for an extra storage place for the young girl’s party. Inside the room, was the body of the smiling clown covered in blood, lying in the middle of the small but crowded room.

Barbara fainted. 

The party was canceled.

The incident was never spoken of again.

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